The BCM Executive Summary 

BCM=Business Constitution Movement

© Copyright 2000; a project of the MeaningGiving Informatics BGI Ltd.
by Dr. Peter Meier Zürich, Roger Zamofing Egg ZH (CH) and Dr. Ted Sandercock Adeleaide (South Australia)

Assumption: Business is here to change the world by making lifefulfilling improvements available. Political Progress was initiated with constitutions; in Europe with the Magna Charta in 1215. The general Economic Progress that led to the English Empire was brought about by the corresponding bourgeois Magna Charta in 1694. Scientific Progress was brought about by Sir Isaac Newton through modern theoretical physics and mathematics; the appropriate constitution for successful technology! It is now possible to aim for genuine human progress on the basis of Applied Personal Science APS® developed by Dr. Peter Meier to model human systems.

Opportunity: Introducing appropriate Business Constitutions by a Movement of qualified BCM-Consultants will lead to profitably establishing the preconditions for a lifefulfilling E-economy.

 Business Idea: Based on the laws of lifefulfillment now available through APS®, we  introduce appropriate business constitutions that do justice to the already proven core- and generic competencies of people and their systems involved. This is achieved by unfreezing the basic life dimensions based on a sustainable commitment towards lifefulfilling actions: As s=subjects, humans are free in their FA=factual approach to consider o=objects and in a PA=personal approach to put forth SP=success promising ways how to handle them in the m=market. Beyond that they are, in the outdated mos=mental operating system calling for political correctness in their HA=human approach up to the point of dealing with AF=actual facts. The BCM unfreezes these 9 out of 12 collectively confined dimensions from HA to AF; focusing on overcoming the bottleneck by securing the PL=personal learning processes, in their RQ=quality, in a responsible way. This allows value creation, e.g. in business meetings using modern technologies such as GroupSystems with an open-ended generative mos based on the lifefulfilling principles of those involved as available with APS FA=factual approach to consider o=objects. In their PA=personal approach they are free to put forth SP=success promising ways how to handle them in the m=market. Beyond that they are constrained, in the outdated MOS=mental operating system that calls for political correctness in their HA=human approach up to the point of dealing with AF=actual facts. The BCM unfreezes these 9 out of 12 collectively generalized dimensions ranging from HA to AF. The BCM is focusing on overcoming this bottleneck by securing the PL=personal learning processes in a RQ=responsive way to its lifefulfilling quality. This allows value creation, e.g. in business meetings using modern technologies such as GroupSystems with an open-ended generative LMOS based on the lifefulfilling principles of those involved as available with APS®.  

Market/Competitors: The market for the BCM approach is in the decision maker’s minds and the competitors are the prejudices in the minds of those involved; lifefulfillment has no other competition and pursuing any of its symptoms is inefficient, demonstrating a lack of basic knowledge. Where the BCM overcomes non-lifefulfilling prejudices and the resulting thinking catastrophes, new possibilities arise in the corresponding PL secured by the BCM-consultants involved. They use the BCM-knowledge and the know-how made operational on its internet platform. Its interactivity allows them on the job to enhance the BCM-knowledge base.

 Financials: The BCM opens the pr=personally relevant (in terms of lifefulfillment) market. It is not to be judged in terms of making cf=content-free products such as a handy, or pn=personally neutral programms such as ThinkToolsTM available. The cf-way of making money requires capital to buy the material resources, the pn-way, to market methods until they become of general interest. The pr-way proposed here requires money to employ human resources to work out the envisaged BCM-platform for lifefulfillment making use of the available cf-technologies and cf-methodologies up to the point of breaking even. Quantitative growth is accelerated by RQing the experiential learning of its consultants in the workplace in their qualification based on value creation and meeting needs: The measure stick for the BCM is its lifefulfilling growth made accessible through APS®!
