Bill Clinton

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by Dr. Peter Meier, MeaningGiving Informatic (BGI AG), CH-8048 Zürich

140.bmp (6118 bytes) S-Survival by Discernment: He put forward his definition of "sexual relationship" to survive the accusation in relation to Monica Lewinsky, which were aimed at devaluating him. Timely: When cornered in his values, he reacts towards a substantial revitalization. For that purpose he positions his excuses just in time to be able to manage preparing a new process based on insights.

138.bmp (6118 bytes) e-Experience in Wisdom: He experienced the wisdom of men like Rabin and Mandela, sitting back from them, deeply touched by their talk, which allowed him to be pardoned: "Honor is not to be measured by a man's fall but but his standing up again..."
6.bmp (6118 bytes) M-Pleasure in Adaptation: We all know he adapted to Monica Lewinsky's overtures and his own desires, yet almost never forgot himself completely and was obviously deeply confused... Exchange of: In his confusion he opens people up to take his innovative thoughts into account . This creates the encouragement to fundamentally project and go beyond existing habits.

127.bmp (6118 bytes) l-Sustainability by Creativity: He even gave in to his political enemies by using their recipes in a more creative way by adding his thinking and thus helping to transform the US economy.
104.bmp (6118 bytes) c-Attitude in Clarifying Encounter: The world could witness how he clarified the Starr accusations with a minimal cooperation. His enemies hoped, the world would buy their lc-based prejudice that his confusion about  his lack of zipper control is in disagreement with the minimal political correctness required for his position, to such a degree that it demands impeachment. However, in the dawning age of poll-politics the decision must be left to the informally manipulated media poll-state of the country. Project-: Based on the minimal catalytic requirement to get the framework disseminated, he then deregulates the existing political correctness on the basis of his perception in order to be able to withstand his opponents and win the support of his associates - as long as the polls are still in his favor...Thus he so far outsmarted a whole army of  pro politicians and lawyers by beating them with their own weapon.
48.gif (5211 bytes) Ce-Position in terms of Righteousness: What for him was righteousness in accordance with his perception of events is claimed to be perjury, i.e. he is deregulating Ce with his attempt to manage it through his position power.
46.bmp (6118 bytes) Cm-Subjectivity in Self-Responsibility: We have seen him regain control by disseminating his concepts; in the critical budget debate that transformed the US economy he got away with a majority of one vote... Orientated: Based on his dawning regaining control of self-responsibility, his intuitive working for the dissemination of the desired process succeeds in becoming known up to the point of putting it to the test in a wider arena. 

49.gif (3852 bytes) A-Guidance in Experimenting: Not only has he experimented with women, sex and arguments, but quite naturally with power - when the kitchen gets too hot, you have to know what you are doing if you don't want to burn your fingers...
47.gif (3812 bytes) p-Potential Retention: This is of course challenging his enemies and many of them have lost their integrity in attempting to fragment his...On the other hand, under his government, the US has not just retained their supremacy but actually cemented it. Competence: Provided he stays true to himself, he has a good chance of controlling the essence of what he was set out to live for.