The input to this site of the think-systems university comes from the author's visit to  Australia, Sydney (March 26-April 4), Adelaide (April 5-23), and Malaysia (April 24-28.2001) and focuses on

The gateway to the New Economy with a special emphasis on Applied Personal Science APS® and The Future of South Australia as expressed at a seminar given at the Center for Lifelong Learning and Development at the Flinders University in Adelaide on April 23, 2001.

Introduction to the Major Challenge
of this Century:

You know all about power, such as what it feels like to have it and how you would use it. When it comes to music we do not need to know the objective of the composer to appreciate his theme. Living is acting and acting requires a stage, however, a stage has a different quality to the actor. A stage has a tangible appearance while the actor has an intangible essence considered under a seemingly relevant identity; the acting is to fulfill the essence through its identity, and loving, first of all is understanding how and acting upon that knowledge - so it, the identity, had better be appropriate to the essence...  

By what concept of identity do you relate to your fellow human beings; what do you hope to achieve with it? 

This question brings each of us to each us personal challenge which we can, depending o who we are, meet with one of the four possible inclinations for science:

hidden agenda:






50.7% of all people (with a #1 or #0 science mind) seek position power to exert the definition power in their favor for those they favor:

49.3% seek understanding (with a science #2 or #3 mindset) towards their perception, so that they can qualify with the resulting definition power for a position:

54.2% of all people (with a #1 or #2 mind- set) have an EVOLUTIONIST view and derive their values from the survival success in their environment in a more or less social Darwin- ian way:

26.4% of all people have an innate inclination for this position power seeking evolutionist approach to science which results in the content-free science#1, the science of nature that is based on the authority to perform experiments and interpret them in terms of useful applications that serve survival.

27.8% of all people’s innate inclination tend toward the personally-neutral science#2, the humanities. With their denotational definition power they hope to driv the evolution of human history in their direction. For that purpose they use their words to instrumentalize science#1 and use science#0 to make their claims attractive to their constituencies to gain supremacy in organizing majorities to suppress the challenges of science#3.

48.2% (with a #0 or #3 mind- set) have a CREATIONIST approach and strive to understand the innate principle behind each entity which they attribute to a Creator:

24.3% of all people tend to the virtual science#0, art, in order to provide a creative and attractive alternative to the created reality based on their fame.

21.5% seek a personally relevant science#3 and use the denotational expressions of the other sciences and usually get entrapped in it – that’s life – and fall for one!

This site is written with a science#3 view and should not be prejudged in any other way! In fact it is aimed at emancipating science#3 from its, in a globalized world, ultimately dangerous other-determinedness as outlined above. Science#3 is the missing link that can  complements science based on the arising necessity to solve the global problem by allowing the personal problems to be solved!

CONTINUE with this topic in view of: Update YOUR MOS ] Trap ] Identity ] Voices ] Goal ] FAQ ]

