The BCM Business Constitution Movement© |
moderated by Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS®
are now on
We all should know from history that empathy for "sacred cows" and hidden agendas beyond the laws of lifefulfillment is evil as nice as it may feel and as short-term promising as it may sound . At the time the BC-movement was created, the Austrian people were reminded of such limits in rather painful ways by the reaction Jürg Haider's nationalist party's political success prompted - not to mention Helmuth Kohl's and other non-constitutional politicians' and mangers' ends and the price we all pay for it...
Message to potential candidates: Not
just the World Economic Forum in Davos
keeps pointing to a global economic order. On a grass root's level The BCM
Business Constitution Movement aims at what it takes to
make a global lifefulfilling order
operational: The methodology to introduce Business Constitutions in such a way
that participants are committed! Based on a recent study of professionals you
have been selected as a potentially qualified candidate for inclusion in
the active group that begins to redesign the business of this century. If you
agree to join us, you will be asked to qualify yourself further. On this
basis you will then obtain the individualized
Focus for newly accepted candidates: Welcome to a Breakthrough Movement whose time has come: Political Progress was initiated in Europe with the Magna Charta in 1215. The general economic progress that led to the English Empire was brought about by the corresponding bourgeois magna charta in 1694 where the English crown gave up its hard-won monopoly of making money to the City of London. Scientific progress was brought about by Sir Isaac Newton through his foundation to modern theoretical physics and introduction of a corresponding mathematics. Genuine human progress is now brought about by Applied Personal Science APS® and will, among other things, lead to business constitutions that will reconcile c3 with C3, the precondition for a lifefulfilling economic order such as claimed by the World Economic Forum at the onset of the E-economy. Contrary to mainstream opinion, it is a fact that all human progress was, is and will be achieved by doing what it takes to secure a genuine personal learning processes in a responsible within the culture in which it takes place. In religion we talk about writing down the Word of God in the Bible, in mathematics about setting up of axioms and working out their consequences, in natural sciences about experiments to establish the accuracy and sustainability of the laws of nature, in philosophy about a thesis that leads to synthesis via antithesis, in psychology about the spirit of the times, in politics about legitimizing constitutions. Only business still takes such quality securing as an alibi exercises to promote arbitrary hidden agendas in terms of c3=command, control, communicate. This is done in the name of freedom, to a point of "anything goes" postmodernism that reaches beyond C3=what the Creator Created for us Creatures to fulfill our lives with. It thus attempts to pave the way into mere virtual reality and thus corrupts other walks of life as well. The BC-movement has set out to overcome this major thinking catastrophe, which will, if unchecked, lead to further human catastrophes such as those which marked the last, one of the most murderous, centuries. Let us not be deceived by fragmentation and the multi-cultural world; humans have one desirable goal - to fulfill their lives by contributing to lifefulfillment! Business is the last major human activity that still pretends to be able to exist outside the major innate human focus as an interest group in itself. In that sense business is not leading, but is in need of being led by business constitutions and you are thus called to actively participate in the breakthrough of the spearhead BC-Movement!