The "pre - trans - trap" |
or the intellectual hoax... by Dr. Peter Meier
C3-thinking works for turning science into technology in terms of understand the resulting consequences of causes (laws of nature expressed by physics, ultimately the Creator) and setting things up (in a machine or a system), so that people (Creatures) can give life-fulfilling meaning to it (with what is available in Creation).
In contrast, and contrasting is what
c3-intellectuals are primarily god at, their c3-thinking (I thinks, therefore I am) assumes, based on the virtual reality of philosophy, control over objects by subjects (as if there were no underlying laws), that when communicated to people can be used to command them (ignoring that people's lifefulfillment follows an innate law based on who they are, e.g. meant by their Creator).doing precedes | knowing is a challenge to be transcended |
by understanding |
by executioners
Heraclites, predecessor of Plato, the designer of modern mentality, called "hostility" the "father of things" which results in the war of the elements, classes, nations, races, economic formations, material interests, ambitions and ideas. The hope for a good ending, a painless and unproblematic synthesis is presented as a naive belief in the "third" of beings and is completely overwhelmed by the fatal struggle of repressing what precedes the intellect and suppressing what could transcend it by dividing the two opposites in order to rule them. Thus in the resulting trap, there is only room for the devil to sit in the middle but not for anything lifefulfilling - that is why extrabrain Ce-activities boom, unless we transcend it with C3-thinking. | of victims |
open in its consequences | ended-generative: ISA 42:3 He will not crush those who are weak or quench the smallest hope. He will bring full justice to all who have been wronged. |
based on OEG principles |
In the intermediate, man-made pre-trans-trap, intellectuals can claim that the real world is built according to their law of duality that obscures their hidden agenda:
And from that non sequitur (a step that does not follow from previously stated ones but is introduced in order to prepare the ground for realizing the hidden agenda by luring opponents with a seemingly logic procedure that allows them no deregulation until it it too late for them, e.g. cheating) it follows, that as long as we are dealing with a concrete world, hostility (between that past, now repressed prejudice and its future surpressed transcendence) remains (in the presence) the common denominator of existence. That is the borders become the trading zones between opposites, inimical to each other. Their presence fills reality with an internal dramatics, dynamics, force, and anguish. That is why (according to the prevailing c3-intellectuals' opinions) aggression - is the founding law of existence, when in fact that it is only true in trading zones regulated by the Communication established by them. And, if they get away with this conclusion based on a non-sequitur, it is possible for them to compile a typology of violence starting with among animals and then draw conclusions about the outbursts of aggression in the human collective. At last, it is possible to examine the doctrines of class warfare or racial hatred in in this twilight. With such "analysis", managers can be manipulated by trend gurus, which address their fear of the future as a nuisance that grows like weed if not managed, and of the past, as something like soil not yet covered by concrete.Whatever the type of fear and aggression intellectuals examine, from the very beginning we encounter their definitions of two positions, two poles, two borders, between which ripens and bursts a lightning of violence, scorching fire of war. No other book than the Bible has anything else to offer! By the way, the same Heraclites believed the fire to be the mystical foundation of the cosmos - and thus by mastering the fire, c3-men believe to master God by forming HIM in their
Ce-image. And today we must, based on what we know from science, admit that with that foundation, chaos, we just managed to "create" hell on Earth, that part of Creation the Creator created for us Creatures to fulfill our lives in...When aggression and in postmodern, personally-neutral, content-free terms chaos, is mentally established as a significant, fundamental phenomenon of cosmic reality, its universality can be promoted to simplify the complexity of life with c3-conclusions like: "
obviously, nothing but aggression can exist between "ours" and "not ours." This is of course a typical communist view which ignores that, which made it crumble, the trading zone between "mine" and "yours". And the latter, free-market simplification is of course ignoring what will bring it collapse, personal interactions by using things as symbols to express something more important than possession. After all that is what God does with us; his message is not, "this is my Creation!" but rather fulfill your life in it...In the prevailing view, C3 may (as opium for the people) at best protracts truce. But sooner or later duality will (as self-fulfilling truth) burst into a death-dealing conflict. This last conclusion of a chain of non sequiturs reveals, for most people if at all, only at the point of not return, what c3-intellectuals are really working for, to turn the C3-opportunity for lifefulfillment into the ultimate c3-virtuality, hell.
To sustain its point of view, Platonian subject/object philosophy needs to establish the two poles of "our" and "not our" in order to allow subjects to manipulate man-made objects. In thus Ce-conditioned minds, the inexorable and terrible hatred between the "our" and "not our" mob such as Hutu and Tutzsi, Nazi and communists, entrepreneur and their outsourced underdogs can be triggered. When everyone excludes each other in the struggle for position power in Ce (discussion) conscience is overridden and opinions become
absolute. When all instances of disagreement within each camp are removed by mobbing, then the two camps become totally alien, opposite, giant system of values in the battle of which all participants become losers. Thus in view of globalization, anarchists, fascists, communists, left nationalists, nonconformists turn out in the same camp, despite all internal contradictions.We live in a time, where a new map of conflicts and battles, terrorist acts and polemics, attacks and strategic maneuvers is being drawn out. We are entering into a completely unique time of New Aggression, where all former opposites, feuding sides, opponents and enemies are sharply restructuring their ranks. Communists of yesterday are fraternizing with capitalists under the slogans of globalization, fascists of yesterday are shaking hands with anarchists in diversionary headquarters of the struggle against the "New World Order," "open society," world government, planetary market, human values, One World, universalization of the West and its model, liberalism, canonization of the
idiot-commoner and consumer as a normal, average representative of humanity etc.This Ce - is from the c3-side, "ours" even if C3-essential necessity suggests "not ours'" and thus the external duality is internalized in most people's soul and flips to one side in criminals and tortures who have no problem, pleading "not guilty".
The two intellectual categories of "ours" and "not ours" are designed so that they cannot be brought together, such as two all-encompassing superworldviews, two mutually exclusive projects of the future of mankind such as the Republicans and the Democrats in the impeachment process against Bill Clinton.
Between them is only enmity, hatred, brutal struggle according to rules and without rules, for extermination, to the last drop of blood. Between them are heaps of corpses, millions of lives, endless centuries of suffering and heroic deeds despite the suppressed fact, that at the end of life we own nothing of this world anyway.By promoting the obvious questions of
Which of us will sum up History? What will its end look like? Who will say the last word? Who will be the last to laugh? Who will thrust the last bullet into the flesh of the fallen enemy? Them or us?
humanity is side-tracked from understanding that the battle is in the middle, between c3- and C3-mentality and that the categories of "ours" and "not ours" are just c3-weapons just as pointing to path-truth-live and belief-hope-love mark the C3-alternative together with natural Creation, unhampered with Creatures and the ultimate power of the Creator.
"ours" is
to be an "enemy of the open society" (look carefully at who is included in this category by Karl Popper), to stand for the freedom of nations and peoples to maintain their originality, autonomy, spiritual hierarchy, national differentiation, superhuman values, exceptional right to be called human, allotted only to the hero, wiseman, devotee, soldier. |
"Ours" or "not ours" ? that is the question which will ultimately be decided by war, the "father of all things"... |
ours," from a spiritual point of view, is the postmodern world, starting with Enlightenment,
humanism, individualism and materialism. "Not ours," from a social point of view, is capitalism, hierarchy based on material wealth, centrality of profit and interest, globalization. "Not ours," from the point of view of style, is stagnation, conservatism, conformism, tranquillity, cowardice, cautiousness, coolness, indifference. |
repression of what precedes | human history which |
suppresses what transcends it |
This reveals that the aim of the intellectual game with ours/not ours is entirely negative in its intention to deregulate any C3-substance that could vitalize c3-games by giving them a lifefulfilling meaning by
confusing the path by demeaning the past as a meaningless evolution, the outcome of aggression rather than any divine intention; the ultimate technology aspired to wreck every intention would be time travel...and the second best is to lie about the past by |
faking the truth with the presence of the above mentioned no sequitur presented as logic in itself, ultimately as technologically perfect virtual reality (poetry, art, discussion, media, drugs, interactive VR) and where people still do not go along with infotainment, drug- or otherwise induced mass manipulation up to torture and genocide to allow the |
reengineering life so that anything can go in the future by expanding the man-made trading zone between the beings at the cost of their substantialities and displacing it with free energy, and reducing everything to a program that can be modified to fit the prevailing Ce-image and its trend with reducing C3-science by c3-scenario techniques... |
In short, c3-evilness is promoted by diversion from C3-lifefulfillment with the second best, entertaining, busyness etc., all that "protects" us from thinking too deeply about our human C3-conditions, according to the main guideline of hell: "Don't let people come to reason, they might come up with lifefulfilling conclusions, and rather make them build images and idols..." So from this point of view a war has to be avoided, because it can make people resort to reason when they have lost every thing. But of course true happiness has to be avoided also, for then nobody would have any need for distraction and that would mean economic disaster. Similarly the total destruction of this planet has to be contained, for then the c3-intellectually impotent game of procrastinating about thinking catastrophes would be over.
But "why on earth should we struggle for such a small pie, when we could work together for a big one?" asked Bill Clinton, when his opposition in the Senate charged him with impeachable crimes....Do you understand now, why, In the name of sustaining intellectual duality, Bill Clinton has to be deregulated, because he did not adhere to the rules; neither did Lincoln, Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Gorbatchev, among others following at least in some fragment, the path, truth and life...offered to us not to rule and command us, nor to despise and reject it but to bear our grieves and sorrows and to be healed by transcending what we know about the suffering from all those who preceded us in fulfilling their lives that way.
Check yourself, do feel like deregulating me, or can you relate to any substance of yours that would allow any Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©.
However, since all that does not promise any c3-cure for death and suffering for oneself and protection from the wretchedness and ignorance of others, men are tempted to push the c3-issue and loose track of the C3-set up in which we are born to live. Thus reconciliation is needed from HE who has set it all up, at least where we cannot reengineer it. And even where we manage to do things ourselves, the remaining trap, into which c3-intellectuals have fallen, is that we get to comfortable and drop out of understanding what live is about. And even, as an intellectual if you care to be up-to-date, you might just do that to show off by what you know to gain c3-position power, rather than to make use of it towards lifefulfillment, risking a confrontation with Ce and its mobs and above all its financial consequences...
We all have a faculty that allows us to discern the evilness of the former and the goodness of the latter.
We all regularly rely on it anyway, even when c3-science or our intellects ignores it, because our survival (still) depends on it. But rather than understanding it, intellectuals want to overcome that dependency at the price of ignorance towards the most important issue (Faust). However, in MAT 5:17 Jesus said: "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfill them. And in ignoring the C3-aspect, the intellect is limited to just understanding c3-stuff and Ce, merely in order to manipulate it in hate of God, afraid to be "taken in", afraid to be credulous, ignoring the darkness of unbelief about life-fulfillment...>