Overcoming the Staleness
of the Mainstream Christian Position
in View of Postmodernism

in response to the 2nd Millstatt Forum in Strasbourg, August 9-16, 1998

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by Dr. Peter Meier, MeaningGiving Informatics (BGI AG), CH-8048 Zürich
Bachmattstr. 23, Tel/Fax ++41 1 432 89 59 (Switzerland)


List of Content

1. Introduction
2. Informatics
3. Personal Warning
4. Nobody said life was meant to be easy
5. Open-Ended Generative Principles, OEGP
6. Conclusion
7. An unusual Acknowledgement
in this space
YOU get
the chance


(please feel free to suggest your additions)



2. Informatics
3.  Warning
4. Nobody said
5.  OEGP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge



Humans long for a master model that knows when a particular idea is appropriate. For instance, we would like a low-resolution model for the "masses" and a high-resolution model for a few key individuals (leaders, role models etc.) whose behavior can influence the masses so that it is kept together. Then we can hope to be able to can deal with our problems constructively. We have to understand each other to deal  and get along together.

Simplicity: Human history indicates that the least common denominator among most humans is freedom; freedom from unwanted interference, be it intelligent or random, with the freedom to fulfill one's personal life. However, this quality has to be attained within the context of society with its e=established C=communication patterns, Ce.

Pleasure: At this point the individual has two options, C3 and c3, to set up his frame of mind and from then on the one chosen is associated with pleasure and the other with a threat of being painful and is thus to be avoided in oneself and argued against in others:

 aha.jpg (43818 bytes)signifies highlights

C3: What at first seems transcendent (beyond ordinary reach); trusting the authorized word of the Creator, the Bible in which HE as God declared human beings as HIS Creatures in HIS Creation and that HE has an utmost interest in relating to each of us personally to further our life-fulfillment optimally and up to the qualification for eternal life, up to sacrificing his son, Jesus Christ.

c3: Adhering to whatever allows communication about the immanent (the ordinary accessible fragment of reality perceived through the senses, or its extensions, scientific instruments) in order to control it and command social support endeavors within it.


Transcendence: The unavoidable choice between C3 and c3 has equally unavoidable consequences and procrastinating on it is just equivalent to express preference for c3. In order to be effective, the c3-choice requires a thorough knowledge of Ce as is so typical for scribes and in post-modern / normal times, for up-to-date representatives of the trend. It further requires accepting the resulting Social Darwinistic process in which one's contribution influences Ce through such content-free processes as mere rhetoric, democracy, the "free" hand of the market etc. From that point of view Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest/strongest/fastest/smartest in human society) existed before Darwinism and that is why Darwinism (the naturalistic - positivistic - materialism; the belief in an evolution through selection by blind chance/death) was, and is still welcome even if the seeming scientific facts available substantiates it less and less as science progresses. By the way this just indicates that science is (still) creative. While an evolutionist believes in natural selection through the death of whatever ends up being denoted as materialistically positive by Ce (ranging from the material evolution starting with the Big Bang, atoms, galaxies, stars, planets, Earth, geological formation, life, men, language up to present day Ce), creationists take the Bible essentially literally and honestly to seek a path on which it is possible to fulfill their lives in truth. Science itself has meanwhile produced more evidence for the latter than for the former. This contrast with Ce, in which evolution is presented as a fact, rather than what it is,  at best a justified belief in a mental framework meaningful for science, and at worst a dangerous myth.


Life After Materialism: This site states This site states

"For more than a century, science attempted to explain all human behavior as the subrational product of unbending chemical, genetic, or environmental forces. The spiritual side of human nature was ignored, if not denied outright.

This rigid scientific materialism infected all other areas of human knowledge, laying the foundations for much of modern psychology, sociology, economics, and political science. Yet today new developments in biology, physics, and artificial intelligence are raising serious doubts about scientific materialism and re-opening the case for the supernatural.

, laying the foundations for much of modern psychology, sociology, economics, and political science. Yet today new developments in biology, physics, and artificial intelligence are raising serious doubts about scientific materialism and re-opening the case for the supernatural.

What do these exciting developments mean for the social sciences that were built upon the foundation of materialism? This project brings together leading scholars from the natural sciences and those from the humanities and social sciences in order to explore what the demise of materialism means for reviving the various disciplines."

TEPOC is urgent => 3. Personal Warning


1. Introduction

3.   Warning
4. Nobody said
5.  OEGP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge



dealing with WHAT if?

applied know-how is (short-term) power...


After the period of grace has elapsed the Pandora's box of the unavoidable consequences created by the unavoidable choices is opened. And now we have three options to deal with it:

FGI: In view of material consequences (loss of property, getting wounded or killed), people firstly appeal, depending on their belief, either to God or to the authorities of Ce. In the latter case the intention is to substitute the feared consequences with something more pleasant like obtaining redemption or forgiveness. We all prefer symptoms to be displaced or be passed on to a scapegoat. That can, in a short-sighted thinking, be achieved with conscience, excuses and other magic tricks. If that does not work in some way which acknowledges our own image, we, invent our own Form-Giving Informatics, FGI and cover ourselves with figleaves, cloth, weapons, houses, settlements, fortifications, towers (of Babel), towns, values, cultures, systems etc In writing novels men gives forms to characters and thus even obtains a sense of godliness. In post-modern times virtual reality seems to promise ultimate FGI, but it is illusory. However, in the sole FGI-ideology, somebody has to pay the bill and transcend beyond the pre-consequence Ce. Under communism the first coerced to pay were the bourgeoisie, then the farmers and finally nature and when all the resources had been wasted the system collapsed. On a neuronal level FGI works when you have a blueprint to train the reptilian-like stem brain to handle the presently immanent forms (such as a car) and the potentially possible forms that have a high probability of evolving from them, as well as the more subtle transcendent forms. The result promised by FGI is successful mental and physical behavior such as we find for instance in craftsmen, pickpockets, magicians, public speakers and athletes, up to heroes and  leaders in their reckless attempt to (re)form Ce in their image, say with golden calves...

I have recently see a young man with a
T-shirt on the back of which stood:

Made in Hell©

Why did God not finish the DNA with
Jesus Christ© ?

Or did he, in his way,
waiting for us to read the signs on the wall?


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Psychology as well as any other ...logy are not good enough either; man is no sociomentric unit to be substituted in the representation of Ce!!!

dealing with HOW?

to convince and conceal hidden agenda
with mind over matter

DGI: In view of position power within Ce (name, reputation, power, riches, responsibility, loyalty) the way to deal with consequences is to represent the prevailing Ce-system and its formalized recipes and pseudo-solutions. This topic has been extensively dealt with by Machiavelli. The key is the mastery of DGI, Dissemination Giving Informatics. From this point of view FGI is pre-DGI, e.g. pagan, primitive and outside Ce, even criminal. Thus the rise in DGI-capability is associated with intelligence in terms of socially relevant actions such as a general's leadership, while FGI is simply referred to as a skill such as the killing skill of a soldier. In order for a general to have command over the killing skill of a soldier, he has to be able to disseminate his commands, e.g. the direction of attack or defense. On a mental level the battlefield is the empty minds of the FGI-masses which are shaped by the arguments created by mutual admiration DGI-societies such as scientific and political bodies and other decision-making groups, or simply in the DGI-mind of a manager in charge of his FGI subordinates and other Flat-Earthers. Voltaire is quoted as having said, that if "God" would not exist, he would have to be invented. Similarly any post-modern manager must admit, that if the subject-object philosophy did not exist, it would have to be invented in order to keep people mere subjects working for and consuming objects for DGI works only on predictable FGI-subjects, or for that matter on computers and the media, the amplifiers of FGI-intellectuals and their managers. On their level, materialistic sciences is transcended with marketing research. Today, via mislead DGI induced FGI, any thinking catastrophe can be globalized up to the total annihilation of all life on Earth. However, now the much more acute danger is that in this way, enough minds will be rendered post-normal beyond the point of no return from humanity going mad, a path many of its fragments have already gone, e.g. the Soviet communism, Nazi-Germany etc. In August 1998 Uncle Sam has been depicted world-wide as putting a gun to his head...Thus what once appeared to the mammalian-like mid-brain as promising pleasure has now just become desperation and pain...


suggested links

Answers about Genesis

Institute for Creation Research

The following websites refer to sources of somewhat more technical information, such as the Creation Research Society, the International Conference on Creationism and  
the local Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico.


1. Introduction
2. Informatics

4. Nobody said
5.  OEGP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge


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Personal Warning

Anyone who has experienced aversion to the above introduction of new concepts like Ce, c3, C3, FGI, DGI and at last MGI that will lead us via OEGP/APS to the goal life has in store, TEPOC© is either already infected by the post-normal mental virus, or is mentally underdeveloped to cope with the years to come. The first case is much more difficult to heal than the latter one, and this is especially so for people who have been successful in the eyes of Ce! In fact they are usually much more afraid of a solution in view of the dawning consequences because it transcends Ce than of the alternative, the futile attempt of formally consolidating Ce. Typically they make the past history much more important than it is and "transcend" it into their books. Many "scribes" read and write partially as a substitute for accessing and widening their personal experience (book of life) and the order of the universe. This is a futile attempt not only to form Ce according to ones image, but to use it to defend ones position and mutate humanity in sanctifying it. When the Middle-Age Popes almost succeeded in this, Luther wrecked their plot and Gorbachev did the same with communism. But who is going to do it in your mind? The bad news is NOBODY other than, if at all YOU yourself!

The good news is that you have the most powerful ally there is, if you ask for it; God through his son Jesus Christ. Thus it becomes apparent why the evolution/creation debate is so significant. And indeed, the evolutionist present the universe about a million times older than the creationists to give their myth time to settle! This leads us to the third type of informatics:

Humans have a sensorimotor, a conceptual, and a intentional apparatus. In addition they have a language faculty and an innate intelligence as well as access to intuition with their spirit. Chomsky tries to reduce it all to Ce-language by claiming that there is a Universal Grammar, a set of constraints of individual grammar which arises as a result of the "triggering" experience in the environment. And he argues that the rules of grammar are then mentally represented and employed in thought and behavior up to the specification of the social setting in which language is used. In other words, Ce-language is the media that makes us the Social Darwinian evolutionary product of the environment...

In Chomsky's view transitions thus arise so to speak from "socially induced mutations", e.g. new information. However in accordance with the way we are created they obviously also stem from intrinsic processes such as maturation. From the word and from our own personal  experience we can know that there is yet another source for transitions, intuition, the Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And last but not least there are the transitions that are caused by various laws at work, such as the laws of nature, ecology and life that bring us all to death after we have used up our opportunities to fulfill our lives...

In short, be aware of simplification when it comes to the transitions you will have to go through in your life; one of the main features of Ce-language is its arbitrariness!

 dealing with WHY?

in terms of the CREATOR

conscience over the application of know-how...

MGI: Whatever is significant, unavoidable, basic and thereby meaningful beyond our power e.g. the laws of nature, life and its personal fulfillment. All this requires the allocation of the appropriate meaning/resources it take to make it accessible to the frontal lobes for long-term, life fulfilling consideration and their integration towards a realistic understanding, e.g. MGI, Meaning Giving Informatics. But be warned; the first Adam was driven out of paradise because he gave in to the mid-brain DGI of the mislead Eve, while the second Adam, Jesus Christ was crucified for following the path of being outspoken about the truth of overcoming the DBI of the pharisees and their thereby other-determined FGI-folk, in order to give them a choice to fulfill their lives as God had foreseen it.
From the point of view of the WHAT-HOW-WHY questions God "needed" to create the devil as advocate diabolic to give us a fair chance to develop our MGI-faculty to deal with WHY-questions and freely decide about why the creation and ourselves came into being - by his creation or by blind chance...And indeed the first thing the devil did, was to tempt Eve to default to his explanation of the source of wisdom - an apple...This is still better what the evolutionary myth offers us; blind chance in a meaningless universe that evolved from a BIG BANG without mentioning who pulled the trigger...That is why they tell us that it is billions of years old, a time long enough to stop ask any further questions..why? That's why.... 
Why does theology substitute MGI with philosophy?

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To the degree you, the reader are threatened by the above content and its personal implication, you are inclined to substitute its content by its forms so that you can apply FGI on its words (grammar) and sentences (syntax) avoiding the semantics and thereby breaking the intended DGI in the service of MGI; its associated apobetics, the intended purpose, the redesigning of the boundary conditions for future decisions. This is a wise thing to do when you need a rest, or time to optimize what you have in mind for yourself, however it can be mere escapism, even rhetorical manipulation in order to side-track the sender towards your own hidden agenda. In this sense information is uses to bring others in/to the desired form, so that they can be processed as objects (mindless slaves, soldiers, workers, customers, sociometric units etc.) by more (in terms of social-Darwinism) evolved subjects such as masters, generals, managers, marketing gurus, politicians and other systems wardens such as scribes, intellectuals, philosophers, psychologists, even theologian in order for them to get their income at the cost of others by issuing their commands in order to control communication in the name of a cat's miau such as a Ce-fragment, aiming at twisting its  political correctness in their favor.

If you come to the conclusion, that the content can no longer be avoided, because as in this case there is overwhelming scientific evidence for it, you may try to disseminate misleading information in an attempt to reduce the meaning of what you have understood to be in your prejudice's favor. You may say: I like your idea, but your forms are not in tune with Ce - thus pretending to be a speaker for "people's heart" and other esoteric jazz. Or you might say, that there is no additional information needed beyond the Bible, in a papal attempt to substitute prophetic words with a representation of your hidden agenda while outwardly pretending to be God's representative on Earth. Beware of Ce-speakers and "papal" side-tracking; according to the Bible the worst of sins!

Thus with FGI in mind only the sender aims at getting actions out of the receiver like work, paying taxes and fighting his battle. Similarly the aim of a DGI-FGI mind only is to get a reaction or an argument from the receiver in order to have a man-made basis for pre-judging him in order to be able to confine him with the quantity at work, such as money or reputation, in such a way that the receiver can be manipulated through the communicated requirements (e.g. with in- and outplacement). How much such appeal are your forms communicating? Over how much money do you command? How many people can you control? Such are the post-normal questions of this world, and depending on your answers you get access to its resources; for a man this starts with his chances with women and vice versa, and beyond sex, for the social and economic position. Today such attributes are no longer inherent/inherited or stable attributes but can be acquired often at short notice through a successful return on investment strategy, such as buying the right lotto ticket and then investing accordingly. Anyone in these post-modern times seems to have an "equal" chance to get to the top with just this kind of  content-free c3-approach. Contrary to this evolutionary "hope", the C3-approach requires not only accepting the personally-neutral information the Bible reveals, but its personally meaningful implementation in terms of life-fulfillment.

In summing up, Ce, the established communication pattern of the time, arises through the DGI-dissemination of the forms made available by FGI. On the level of language FGI produces words, nice sounding phrases, slogans, poetry and all the other forms possible within language. The social Darwinism inherent in the post-normal dissemination in debates and media is then selecting and mutating into the mainstream Ce. In a society where most people can only think in terms of FGI and DGI the past becomes of overwhelming importance in forming the future up to the point of black hole societies that suck in everything above their event horizon. This is characteristic of systems so closed that they are beyond the point of no return from collapsing, e.g. they cannot be deregulated (Perestroika/redemption) and revitalized (Glasnost/revelation).

All the above indicated problem is well reflected in what is called the pre-trans-trap; personal minds and human societies / enterprises / organizations caught in this trap treat what is above and transcending their immanent event horizon the same way as what is beneath and preceding it like a crime. In the most profound historical example the same people who hailed Jesus Christ on Palm Sunday treated him worse then a criminal when they were manipulated into the realization of the DGI-pharisees that he was not going along with their expected Ce of helping them to overpower the Romans, e.g. wash their skin without getting wet.

Now here is a paradox; in order to withstand the pre-trans-trap, with or without someone else, (WOWSE), you need enough personal integrity. However, this can only develop through the resulting allocating of resources by MGI and that requires your frontal lobes. But most humans are now mentally conditioned by the c3-approach in such a way, that their mid-brain sets the comfort zone, and thereby a mammalian evolutionary event horizon of the Sodom-type from the point of view of which the stem-brain, and its survival instincts have precedence, while the frontal lobe activities are transcendent, and are thus considered accordingly to be esoteric, heartless, brainy, egocentric, etc., e.g. not politically correct. Scribes, on the other hand seduce people to outsource their "book of life", their innate, living, neuronal structure with their Ce-dedicated books in order to set up Ce as the relevant immanence in people's mind with the ultimate aim to thus substitute God with Ce, so the can represent the word "God" on Earth.

So you see, you are in trouble whichever way you choose! Even system wardens who sit on the fence, trying to divide and rule are replaced much more quickly by young, urban professional prototypes of those ignorant evolutionary subjects, e.g. yuppies.



1. Introduction
2. Informatics

3.   Warning
5.  OEGP
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge


Nobody said life was meant to be easy

Not only the Bible reminds us what happens when a human system (mind, relationship, team, organization, culture, humanity) gets stuck in an FGI dominated Ce, but also modern companies do so. They either disappear from the face of the market place or they have to be re-engineered (using a more modern technology to prolong their otherwise obsolete corporate identity). There is now increasing scientific proof available that God re-engineered the Earth with what is called the Flood within a time frame of a year! In science fiction this would be called terraforming and in geology the outstanding process we refer to is nothing less than the continental shift with all it entailed like massive volcanic activity and a redistribution of sediments, rocks and water. The result of God's re-engineering was a new earth ready to become inhabited by billions of men. As in the case of FGI-communism the "containing wall of the old earth" that clogged all land mass together in a stale manner in the way of future growth, had to be removed...

Around the year one, the world was brought into a state of stagnation of the DGI driven FGI by scribes and other closed-system agencies like the Roman Army. If a modern company is in such a state it has to be redesigned based on its core competence, share holder value, customer needs etc. Well, Jesus Christ redesigned humanity and its further history through his exemplary sacrifice and for this to happen the scribes, the former system-wardens, were provoked into becoming instrumental. Similar "turn-around management agencies", such as McKinsey are used on a timely basis to do the dirty work. However, if such managers then assume control of such companies, the companies are doomed to end up gutted as simple share holder value with all that means in jobs lost and human resources wasted. Well, what else has the human history essentially been in the last 2000 year after its redesign? However, Jesus instigated this collective redesign in view of his second coming, which will address each of us personally. Science Fiction refers to this subject under the term of psychohistory, otherwise it is mainly a taboo in mainstream science. However, in business life after a human systems has been reduced to a shareholder value, the remaining people either degenerate through desperation beneath their FGI-state of mind and become other-determined by the dole, drugs and through all the substitution entertainment made available by the representatives of the systems through DGI that has now surpassed FGI in significance, e.g. in terms of the cash flow generated and the mainstream game not consists in representing money and sustitute every-thing else with it up to the mad attempt of MIT-professors to substitute biological life into the chips, declared as being outdated beyond repair even with genetical re-engineering...

Not what happens to those in today's business world who insist on a path of sustainable qualitative growth? They have no other option but to personally redesign their minds and start their own business! Jesus Christ is challenging each of us to do just that, but on a much more essential level as life-entrepreneur! We are called to change our present other-determinedness in the world to engage in the path God has created us for, and thereby overcome defaulting to Ce as his son did in witnessing the truth thus encountered and then fulfill our life by preparing/qualifying ourselves for eternal life in God's terms. Or in modern terms, develop our potential, so that we can contribute to sustainable qualitative growth even in view of a world that is collapsing into the consequences of the thinking catastrophes, such as the evolution myth which now shapes most people's minds via the corresponding Ce. God's way is in stark contrast to a Ce-evolution; he entrusted a personally creative meaning upon us. Meanwhile we know enough even through naturalistic, positivistic materialistic science (if we care to honestly integrate what is know with MGI), that any approach that argues with God's intention (say in the law of nature and ecology) is by far more cumbersome and has, if applied, absolutely no promise of life-fulfillment!

So please bear with me with some addition to Ce on the basis of c3, C3, FGI and DGI and MGl (a typical scribe reads 10 books a month, a child learns some 10 words a day). First, in order to be able to follow my line of thought (think of when the sentence of Pythagoras and other FGI-basics were proven to you or when your learnt the DGI-basics, rhetoric; if you did not master follow those ideas because you stubbornly insisted on your own hidden agenda, you might be in trouble now for the same reason), I am asking you to breathe the life of your personal experience into the above seven open-ended generative principles, OEGP. And secondly I ask you, on the basis of the principle of postponing prejudice to stop FGI-substituting the content expressed here with any excuses so abundantly and readily available by the FGI-Ce, or asking for the body / agency / authority / majority they are supposed to represent beyond the explicitly stated purpose here and until you have understood the whole impact and its meaning of the following:

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global brain or global chaos, that is the question human history answers...
In terms of Applied Personal Science APS® I have developed the application of relevant OEPG's to be able to do MGI; this means being able to point to and follow up what, on a C3-path is revealed through insights (Holy Spirit). Of particular importance Specifically the vital concepts that allow making use of the truth for a life-fulfilling purpose - not just for the ego-self, but for the fulfillment of the life for as many as possible in the reality of this post-modern world. After all, Ce pretends to make us fulfill our lives, while in fact the aim is to sustain Ce and its representatives. Through such claim scribes, or in modern terms managers, justify themselves in terms of return on investment. However, when one transcends return on investment beyond money, in terms of the consequences of a MGI-driven DGI of FGI for the kind of life-fulfillment we are called to aim for by God, this is clearly too serious a matter to be outsourced to Ce and its trend riders. Why has God created the so far most complex system we know of, the human brain and why has he shared his ultimate aim with us that goes even further: The building of Christ's Body consisting of believers in their genuine potential. Interestingly enough the number of atoms that form a cell, the number of cells that form a brain and the number of brains that are called to be put in the service of forming this true church is of the same order of about 1010-13. In terms of the immanent reality, the truly transcending question is whether humanity will end up becoming the mortal cancer of Earth, or to make the analogy in post-normal terms, the AIDS virus that overloads its immune system to the same dead end, or alternatively, its nervous system for a sustainable future. With the latter, humanity would be able to give form to God's guidance so it can be disseminated with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC to balance the otherwise unavoidable consequences of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, chaos.
Now it is a matter of erecting what for most of you, in my personal experience has been a stumbling block, the giving of meaning, MGI, to OEGPs relevant for life-fulfillment and making that into a corner stone of the church to be build in order to prepare the 2nd coming of Christ. Fundamentalist Christians and evolutionist, who stumble over the work of creative people to prove to themselves, that creativity is wrong, mind you, in my understanding I have not added or intentionally subtracted anything from the essence of the Bible. However, I have translated some of its key messages in modern and more operationally committing terms.

Judge for your self by redesignating "Love" as Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC. And this is still only a word-based indication of what APS® is really all about.

This is as legitimate as translating the Bible into pictograms such as used by Chinese. I claim it is even more urgent and necessary in order to reverse the trend of falling into the post-modern pre-trans-trap into which more and more minds are seduced by DGI-FGI scribes and the amplifying post-modernistic culture with all its literally mind- and brain-blowing conditioning and high tech. However, we no longer need weapons to physically extinguish our mental opponents in the sort of re-engineering approach of racists like Plato and his footnotes, Stalin and Hitler. Instead of substituting/mobbing/killing opponents that do not represent Ce we need concepts that integrate their C3-qualities in order to be able to thus reach beyond their c3-approach and that in the larger context of a genuine C3-redesign as outlined above. This is called loving understanding. Incidentally the Romans learnt that lesson before the early Christians did. After they realized they could not kill them off, they integrated their concepts and redesigned their empire. Only this time it has to work the other way round and that claim gave rise to the title chosen for this paper. Do not hide behind what seems a progress of Christianity, Armaggedon is still ahead of us, but do not be fooled by the forms of past battles, the final one is most certainly not a re-run of them and it might just take place in your head in deciding who dominates it; the reptilian stem-brain, the mammalian mid-brain or your genuine personal potential on the level only the frontal lobbes can cope with!



1. Introduction
2. Informatics
3.  Warning
4. Nobody said

6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledge


Open-Ended Generative Principles, OEGP

In summing up the above I refer to GEN 6:17-18 where the Creator said:

"Look! I am about to cover the earth with a flood that will destroy every living thing. Everything on earth will die! But I solemnly swear to keep you safe in the boat, with your wife and your sons and their wives."

This is, in modern terms the announcement of a total re-engineering of the living-space earth while preserving a form in which the seed for future mankind can survive. And there is now hard core scientific evidence that such a catastrophic event really happened on a global scale. Thus God opened-up the first living space of man in which he would have otherwise come to an unwanted end in sin. This was preceded by driving Adam and Eve from paradise, a place where each form served an ideal in similar way to what Plato tried to re-establish in substituting reality with denotations in people's mind.

In JOH 3:16 God's redesign of humanity in this world and beyond that, in the promised 2nd phase of Jesus' return when each person's mind is qualified in terms of eternal life, was summed up with: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

Meanwhile almost 2000 years of history has been generated that has given us an opportunity to discover God's principles under which we are meant to fulfill our lives. So far all attempts to extinguish them in people's mind have failed. And it has been pointed out to us that the evolution myth has so far been by far the most outrageous attempt to side-track people away from God. Plato attempted to mentally displace people back to paradise in his attempt to succumb humanity to his denotational ideals. This usage of words to sustain Ce have been the basis for all kind of dogmatism. Under the aim of establishing the myth of evolution as a fact in Ce, Social Darwinism is still trying to seduce mankind into the antidote of heaven, hell, disguised as post-normal chaos.

Using denotational words or pictograms as the building blocks for Ce, the mental operating system of humanity, reduces the individual's opening up to the end of the Ce-based trends. Similarly in the evolutionist view life is terminated by death and thus is the framework for social Darwinism, the survival of the fittest in the world selected by Ce. Thus denotational Ce marks the individual's spiritual death sentence, which that kind of world has in store for each of us.

On the other side Applied Personal Science APS® allows us to model Ce in an OEGP-way personally as a first step to overcoming it and that is indeed what Jesus Christ challenged us to do in JOH 14:12 "The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."

It is not enough to simply debate about the present Ce executing its spiritual death sentence through the above described pre-trans-trap I have warned you about in chapter 3. We are called to start redesigning Ce in view of Christ's second coming in order not to put our light under the bushel of the c3-Ce (MAT 5:15) and instead put it on a stand and let it shine for all..

The claim of this paper is that the C3-OEGP modeling concepts and the APS®-system of representation, are, to the author, the best known "stand" for the guiding principles of any human system in order to make them shine, e.g. generate ends to open up the mind for the purpose God wants us to fulfill our life with. If you know anything better, please let me know for that is I care.

As Karl Popper highlighted it in his book, "The Open Society and Its Enemies: The Spell of Plato" we are not here on Earth to be mentally retarded to where we came from, paradise, e.g. Plato's ideals or virtual reality. In the meantime we have had "inappropriate relationships" (sin) and as a consequence of all of this. But the time has come to stop the pursuit of destruction of personal life in the name of Ce, and start redesigning it with all the Lord gave as a chance to learn from, such as from our collective and even more from our personal experience through following our path truthfully. Only then can we reasonably approach the issue of redesigning Ce towards the fulfillment of the lives of as many as possible. In fact, from God's words and the whole known history it can be deduced: God sustains

bulletno form that endangers the survival of mankind
bulletno Ce within mankind that abolishes personal life-fulfillment
The remaining question addressed to each of us personally is whether we waste our lives on forms of mass destruction such as polluting cars and weapons of all kind or on ideas, rhetoric, concepts and systems that are aimed at succumbing the human resources into being content-free or personally-neutral ends (for such idols as money or shareholder values), or if we are prepared to face the social risk of being mobbed e.g. pre-trans-trapped by Ce-subjects for Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© via MCI - Content - FGI - DGI.



1. Introduction
2. Informatics
3.  Warning
4. Nobody said
5.  OEGP

7. Acknowledge



In summing up, the APS® -concepts introduced here transcend the building blocks of the presently e=established way of Communication, Ce. This mainstream mental operating system was basically designed by Plato out of his fear, in order that subjects as he considered himself to be, could manipulate objects in a politically correct manner, whatever that means at the time. This question was taken up later on by Machiavelli. The best that could be achieved in terms of the body of Christ within such a mental operating system was building something like a cathedral to the glory of the God of the Old Testament; the worst, a gas chamber or the deployment of a hydrogen bomb. And on a mental level men have been creating science that led man to the moon and yet still leaves him arguing whether to recognize the interference of intelligent agents, such as God and for that matter you and me (who should come to have a meaning before ETs). Also it has stimulated producing thinking catastrophes such as the Challenger Disaster, Chamberlain in Munich signaling Hitler to proceed and more recently, more or less indirectly inviting Saddam to go to Kuwait, and Miloshevic to carry out ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, allowing atom bombs to be "tested" in the context of the Kashmir conflict etc.

Beyond such consequences of mental fragmentation, OEGPs allow the integrating of what has been revealed to us by the Creator in the Bible, what we know from his Creation through science and, form our experience as his Creatures about the truth in following the path to our life-fulfillment. On the practical side, Applied Personal Science APS® is as far advanced as to consider a major effort such as the Manhattan project in Word War II; this time not to destroy the enemy but to provide him with a more appropriate Ce, a mental operating system that allows the mutual understanding necessary for Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC.

In the prevailing Ce an object gets its form through FGI and by its dissemination with DGI, and by defaulting MGI to the evolutionary myth, its meaning gets voiced by the rhetorically "strongest"in  the in the "free" market. However, with APS® we deal with what has inherent meaning due to its creation, such as life, you and me. It is thereby a matter of using MGI to work out its content and FGI to put in into a communcative form in order to disseminate it with DGI in view of generating the necessary understanding for its fulfillment. In contrast to the content-free procedure of FGI-DGI-(MGI) in the old Ce, APS® proceeds entirely differently in the new Ce with BGI-FGI-DGI in view of information personally relevant to life-fulfillment. In between is science, which when it deals with people, struggles with personally-neutral content and has thus largley become an instrument for "divide and rule" (see Machiavelli) with the corresponding degeneration in life quality under postmodernism, despite the fact that per capita productivity has risen...



1. Introduction
5.  OEGP
6. Conclusion


An unusual Acknowledgement

In violating the so-called story telling taboo of the present Ce I can tell you the above was not thought out by me nor would it have been possible adhering to Ce and its inner dynamic/logic; it is a translation of insights I received (in my understanding from the Holy Spirit) through the filter of the one of the 1728 OEGP the APS® -systems consists of and with which I can fully identify with.

In violating the ego-taboo, the above is driven by insight into the necessity; its not a sacrifice on the altar of Ce to be substituted with some idol/ideal derived from of it by non-sequitur in order to be misused as representing any aspect of Ce, least of all as a justification of anyone's position power in it; this is not about Palm Sunday folks!
And last but not least it violates the most serious of the three taboos by which the DGI driven FGI-golden calf society tries to protect itself; the metaphor-taboo. Nothing said here can and should be taken at face value and be used as a formal recipe in order to default as most people make use of denotational Ce. All of it is meant to point to YOUR own book of life and not to any books you have read.
bs00852a.gif (2502 bytes) Many people deserved to be quoted as a reference, as providers of ideas and encouragement. However, since no mutual admiration societies is envisaged here references are restricted to links and anybody is invited to ask to be linked with his or her Internet site. Those who genuinely gave will receive more.
Obviously I am reflecting some experiences with my fellow creatures that made me drop my ideals... Those who want to use this material to enlarge there social ego will be depleted. Such people might be kicking screaming with arguments that they have understood nothing. They will appeal to others, that I did not put my heart in it, that I am merely in my head and all this is esoteric jazz. They will thus aim to mob anyone who reminds them of the nature of their other-determined virtual reality and their futile search for an man-made ark in which they can survive the unavoidable consequences of their prejudice. Any malfunctioning spaceship in their hands would not return, because they never ask what works in their futile use of rhetoric to get attention with screaming about what doesn't work, their prejudice.
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connotation; sometimes
my last word...
Anyone who submits to the metaphor-taboo can only learn the hard way, through a flood, the tearing of a curtain after a self-instigated crucifixion of a scapegoat, and finally after the dissolution of all his forms, not just the temple but of the support for all his platonic ideals so far used to suppress the C3-approach e.g. with the myth of evolution; face to face with God, virtual reality can no longer be sustained; HE will pull the plug on all our VirtualReality-helmets!
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my challenge; intuition...
So I appeal to you to start practicing to rewriting your book of life with appropriate OEGP's instead of going along with the rat-race of more of the same e.g. another Ph.D., ten books a months, real time CNN news and stock speculation, in order to become a representative on top of Ce by wasting and substituting human resources.
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all I want is a relationsship to what matters and to who really rules...
The good news is the Old Testament is about opening the dead-end of using human sacrifice to sustain Ce, while the New Testament is about building the body of Christ; the true church with believers in their full potential, e.g. personalities who can transcend the coffin quality of denotations with the cradle quality of OEGPs that integrate our C3-knowlege as outlined. This creative way of fulfilling ones life requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be more than cumulative creativity within Ce. Denotational words are just a testimonial to Ce, e.g. the political correctness of the time, and thus give meaning to death or end-technology. Appropriate OEGPs on the other hand provide the cradles for the living word that allows each of us, while following the path meant by God, to confront the truth experienced in order to thus fulfill the life specifically created for that purpose by God.
smidee1.jpg (7215 bytes)
if you understand GERMAN, you may also check out
Zürich aha <aha-Inhaltsverzeichnis aha-Inhaltsverzeichnis > Positionierung als Kolumne

*Pictures used from the set of 144, with kind permission of the Burg publishing company
from the game "Erkenne Dich selbst"
(ISBN 3-925645-00-4 ).
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