The  BCM Business Constitution Movement Steps

moderated by Dr. Peter Meier, Founder of Applied Personal Science APS®

There is a reason, why you come to this site...

You might have come across the BCM-basics via my "Guru-Profile or in some other way. In any way, the time has come for you to decide whether

you want something else
like telling me "Please tell me more about your concept." or 

If YOU have the intention to become part of the Business Constitution Movement, let us no longer primarily focus on the presentation but on the content and its meaning and get on with steps 1-12:

Please consider the following steps an on-the-job training to get fully qualified as a BCM-consultant: Any Doubts?

Step1 - The FA=Factual Approach to the basic principles involved:  Aims for you to become clear about your personal constitution. Based on your experience as a Management Consultant - an be it just to consult yourself how to manage your life based on your conscience based on your mental operating system -  it should be obvious to you, that you can only manage in companies what you can manage in your own mind: 

The first task you are therefore asked to fulfill is to actively study the 7 sites you get access to via the BCM-basics. Please send me your report on each of the BCM-basics site, one after the other, following my feedback to each of your report. Consider the two dimensions:

  1. YOUR own personal benefit: Please sum-up what was relevant to you, for what reason and in view of what intention and

  2. in OUR mutual interest: Let me know how to improve the respective site so it can later on serve you when you are qualified to thus supervise your downline.

In that process, you will naturally come across a personal questionnaire and fill it in when you are ready for

Step 2 - The PA=Personal Approach to the possible life forms: This will be your chance for the qualification to join the eGroup BCM-platform of the BC-Movement and to get to know your fellow consultants via their personality parameters, the bases for their personal constitutions. You will then get the opportunity in

Step 3 - The SP=Success Promising Approach is, to express the content of your personal constitution using the BCM-platform and choosing your sparing partners to test it out to find a convincing form and structure. This will enable you to go for

Step 4 - The HA=Human Approach to a potential company or organization as an outstanding consultant of the  BCM at ease with your identity, to take responsibility for introducing their Business Constitution being supervised by me as your upline coach and supported, via the BCM-platform, by your fellow consultants, who share their experience there. This will require

Step 5 - A HC=Human Co-operation between those concerned (including a fair return on investment regulations) in view of globalizing the BCM-approach, which means that

Step 6 - PL=Personal Learning Processes to be expressed with integrity and coherently to a degree where it can be modeled with Applied Personal Science APS® so that what is generally relevant in terms of lifefulfillment can, in

Step 7 - be RQed=secured in its thus revealed Quality in a Responsible way in order to become part of the respective constitution and through it, the respective business system in terms of it hard-, soft- and peopleware in its content-free, personally-neutral and personally relevant aspects. This will open up those concerned open up to

Step 8 - MI=Meaningful Innovations that will allow them to invest human resources beyond just applying the available  M=manipulation know-how in the operational business of money making into creating the required O=orientation knowledge and make it available in decision processes so that M/O=STRESS remains within the eustress comfort zone of those concerned so they can, not just in a human, but a life-fulfilling way cope with

Step 9 - The SE=the Succeeding Experiences that results from man-made systems, actions and inaction, verbal and non-verbal behavior based on the relevant created order that needs to be understood and communicated in its content in order to become qualified in

Step 10 - PR=to take Personal Responsibility within the respective collective (group, team, department, company, culture, organization, humanity) by allocating resources to integrate it in such a way that in

Step 11, the truth prevails in the IC=Individual's concerned Conscience so thinking globally and acting locally in

Step 12, the AF=Actual Facts can be experienced as lifefulfilling and provide a basis for a renewal via step 1 in deregulating outdated regulations and revitalizing new life forms and that based on a constitutions which allows transparent PL>RQ with 2Cp>PA.   

I hope this, for you, at this stage understandably still mainly content-free outline, will give you the motivation to start taking step 1 in order to understand its personal-neutral meaning in view of its personal relevance to your future carrier as an BCM-consultant to be basically revealed in step 2.

Be assured you will not enter in a preprogrammed closed system; we shall make BCM grow together if you will. I can promise you that I shall try my best to always be at least a step ahead of the unavoidable c3-challenges, at least C3-conceptually as long as I live, and be it by asking you for your advice.


- [Rerun BCM] - [HA>AF]