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The Jerusalem Platform is a project of the Meaning Giving Informatics (BedeutungsGebense Informatik) BGI Ltd.. It is being worked out by a group of  scientists#3 dedicated to apply themselves with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©: It follows up on the desperate cry for help of the key players in the Camp David July 2000 negotiations in the event that followed it. A similar approach was undertaken in relation to the Kosovo War, yet it came too late and was at that stage not yet sophisticated enough.

At first it seemed there was a chance for peace until  September 13 2000, when the Palestinians wanted to declare their state. At that time the Jerusalem Platform as presented here could have been implemented gradually up to becoming fully operational. It is up to you whether it can still be of service or whether this call goes unheard as the warning about Pearl Harbor did. This project specifically addresses the key problem of humanity and is a constructive way to overcome the postmodernistic systemic hoax advocated by post-normal scientits#2.

Thanks to the cooperation of the Israeli Embassy and other first hand sources about the Camp David negotiations that concern all of us, the operational model, “The Jerusalem Platform is now getting more and more ready to support process of solving the core problem of humanity that is so much focused around Jerusalem. 

Among other things that problem manifest in a separation of money from value creating work as follows:

You can sell your human resources  available beyond personal usage for others to employ and manage

in more and more countries c3-speculating with money now earns more money than by genuine value creating working

Based on God's C3-work of creating our lives, it is our c3-dutiy to fulfill our life personally.

With money we can c3-buy the work of others to increase our c3-power

C3=understanding and considering Creator-Creation-Creature

Unless we conceptually unify those four aspects of collective life rather than speed up the resulting fragmentation, we cannot solve the major problems that threaten humanity' survival on this planet.

The following is an exemplary analysis of the Jerusalem problem. The basics of which were worked out in August 2000 and reflect the state of the process after the failed Camp David Negotiations in July 2000.

Up ] Key Players ] The whole range... ] The Last Stone ] Bottleneck and X-Factors ]

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Last Update 06.12.07