Update 2007

Abstracts: Modeling real human systems has revealed the nature of the mental distortion of our culture, and how it can be reset in peopleßs minds. Why does this problem focus itself so intensely in Jerusalem? No other place is claimed by so many real human systems, cultures, collectives and individuals. To resolve that conventionally just in reality, is an impossibility for only one object can occupy its space. However, the substantiality expressed about nature in its laws, can co-act in space and time. The same must be made possible with human systems living together.

Due to lack of interest of those concerned in this site back in 2001, it was left untouched until 2007. Then I met Prof. Dr. Chaim Cedar from the New Hebrew University in Jerusalem, when in Zürich he held his lecture about the "Silence of the Gene"/DNA methylation. It motivated me to proceed with this update.

Meanwhile Israel has walled itself in and is probably preparing for a war with Iran, while the world has become pretty silent about knowledge work with a future, which among other things, could address the Jerusalem problem with a Lifefulfilling Platform©. In the old paradigm, people dream about getting away with business as usual. That entails, as we know, a knowledge work without a future...

In the old paradigm people's mind flip out when they succumb to the global media which multiply the spirit of the time ever faster. Humans are then experiencing themselves as being other-determined, just as Prof. Cedar describes the nature of cancer cells. And indeed, humanity resembles more and more a global cancer, rather than what it could become, the global brain as Peter Russell put it in his famous film in 1985. Carl Popper speaks of the historic outcome of this approach of Plato, as the "curse of mankind"; Jews and Christians, call it sin. Every year more people die of hunger than in all the World War II...

Modeling real human systems has revealed the nature of this mental distortion in most people's head, and how it can be reset. Prof. Cedar has a similar approach to cancer cells; resetting their silenced genes in order to get them back to allowing proper regulation of their otherwise cancerous growth.

The fact is, switching off people and reducing them to  their mere

personally-neutral opinions, scenario A, leaves 86% of all people (including most cultures, such as the US-American, the Jewish, and the Arab mainstream culture) to express themselves, and/or be understood only in inessential* ways. A further 10.5% of all people are problem-orientated, and only 3.5% solution-oriented. So much for democratic liberalism, mainly based on the ideal of "freedom from" something, while ignoring the inner motivation in its "freedom to"...

If, however, people are challenged and promoted in their personally relevant states, in scenario B, then 75% of all people are solution-orientated, 24.3% problem-oriented and only 0.7% (one out of 144) are inessential, with essential capabilities elsewhere.

Intellectuals, who have never consciously experienced a personally relevant flow state, denounce scenario B as "utopia". Everything which is not discussed in their circles, e.g. whatever does not fit into their opinionated format, does not exist for their limiting minds. Instead, they insist on being what they opinionate about, e.g. fragmented, chaotic, change agents within the spirit of the time. That is simply the extension of the archaic idolatry, old wine in new skins; run by mental viruses, and traumata...

The fact that according to Prof. Betty Schwarz, also from the New Hebrew University, that 30-40% of all cancers could be prevented by adequate nutrition, is just one of the many other irrationalities such as smoking, politics, pollution etc.) that scenario A prevails in this world.This mono-political, philosophical thinking catastrophe boils down to a human catastrophe, ultimately ticking in the  Jerusalem problem. Why Jerusalem? No other place is claimed by so many real human systems, cultures, collectives and individual. To resolve this within the old paradigm just with and in reality is an impossibility for  only one objects can occupy its space. On the other hand, the substantiality expressed about nature in its laws, can co-act in space and time and allows life. The same must be made possible with human systems living together. Thus understanding each other cannot be replaced by a common law for all! Only with the former then can the present forms of organizations which with the latter despise real human beings in favor of their mono-political madness be overcome. Never mind the "science", which still permeate in the main stream knowledge work denying the meaning of real beings for which we need proper systems, not just to organize their aberrations such as making war. Already in 1920 Einstein said, only if Jews and Arabs understand each other can they live together in a human way.

What in terms of real human systems is inessential, might at best be necessary, but it certainly cannot be sufficient such as (the abbreviations used her should not be your stumbling blocks; they are corner stones for advanced reader who were in one of my workshops)

*3-survival instead of fulfilling one's G5-life!

Among others, the emphasis on the inessential survival of subjects beyond objects is philosophically/intellectually promoted by social Darwinism and Freudian psychology up to fascist ideology. Thus the "enemy" becomes an object to be rendered irrelevant, even annihilated. In this state of mind, ?0-illusions instead of justified H1-hopes prevail. An example is Jungian psychology with its collective arche-types with which communism played its deadly tune with at least twice as many people brutally killed, as under Hitler and in WWII. Then there is the +2 lustful, greedy desire for more of the same, quantitative growth beyond all H3-reality, e.g. cancerous "progress". This in turn triggers -4 damage control up to global destruction, in the urge to avoid consequences before they unavoidably bring pain and suffering. And above all this, say in a war, it prevents understanding of what is essential. This the allows to introduce a %-collective perspective instead. The system wardens can then appeal to %1-political correctness, which only too often throws out the baby with the bathwater. Then those concerned are being walled in with pre-trans-traps; closed on itself, and thereby self-destructive systems:

In a pre-trans-trap, with %5-manipulation, instead of L1-love, the %1-system wardens, from inside the trap of their formal systems, equally prosecute those who precede their comfort zones, by denouncing them as barbarians / criminals, in the same way as those who set out to transcend their trap with L2-Timely Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence. The most relevant example for the latter, is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the psycho-political expense of letting a pre-terrorist go. And later on, there was the  Inquisition, genocides etc....; a real curse on mankind. In fact, for the elimination of a challenge to the system - even with a solution, any expense, and be it  its self-destruction, is paid by most system wardens, now up to risking global destruction. This is one reason among others, some might soon have to decide between using the bomb again, or Iran having it...

And then there are the %6-projections with which the system wardens, pretend to be a H4-substantiality, e.g. superior even to the laws of nature, as managers in the wasteful economy, with the resulting side effects right up to the point of the present climate catastrophes and social unrest.

In short, while all this has now come close to the point of no return in the period from 2001-2007, on my side a full scale modeling of the substantiality and the layers of excuses humans are capable of making in order to mentally avoid their substantiality (in German, "Wirklichkeit" in its proper meaning of what impacts on reality) has been achieved. The former is based on the mad desire to have power over everything and every being likewise. The latter, on focusing on understanding the most import substantiality, that of self and other's. Technology is the proof of the incredible success of this approach to nature. My work of modeling real human systems has already opened the door through the bottleneck of the traditional sciences in dealing with real human systems. Only allowing the corresponding knowledge work about substantiality, rather than just about the reality, appearance and desirability of objects, works towards a desirable future.

So what does really matter, and in doing justice to it, where is the bottleneck? It is not a magic thing, it is the laws of nature and the laws of individual life, with the latter not wrapped up with things! The approach of tagging such fig leaves with denotational words, so they can be manipulated and cannibalized, say animals as "soulless", so the can be treated as objects, Jesus as "the king of Jews", so he can be crucified, real humans as being "beyond under-standing", so they can be divided and ruled, has proven to be a curse, rather than a blessing! For spreading this mono-political madness, the modern information technology is of great help. But again, it cannot be sufficient to overrule the substantiality of nature and that of real people - not even by playing on their genes and neurons. Remember, it is not the DNA which regulates growth; growth can only be switched on/off. It's not the hardware, neither the software which runs a computers, it's the users. And the latter follow other laws than the former two, and those need to be understood above all! That is why I have kept on working out, where the action is, now in German, the inner laws of real human systems. It is now possible with little effort to model the substantiality of your being, mine, that of cultures such as the American, the Jewish, Swiss etc., for the purpose of being be able to make their inner laws operational for revitalization from the old paradigm, and for making, training on, and making successful projects on LifeFulfilling Platforms©.

Existing approaches such as at "The Sigi and Lisa Daniel Swiss Centre for Conflict Research, Management and Resolution" at the New Hebrew University focus on what is necessary:

  1. The theory/description of intergroup, social, and international problems 

  2. Skills, techniques and methods for negotiation and problem solving, e.g. dealing with the symptoms

  3. Research about methodologies and Practice to do so

However, what is lacking in this organized sciences under the old paradigm, is research about and applying the inner laws of human systems beyond what can be manipulated about them. Only this approach will provide the sufficient basics for applying what is necessary for a knowledge work with the desired future.

In fact, never have there been so many people focused on the above "academies" 1-3 based on inductive generalizations! And yet with just being lead by the "humanities", we still poke in the fog of human (mis)understandings, just as in the Antiquity. And that despite the nanotechnology rhetoric of humans reconfiguring this creation atom by atom. And this is propagated by intellectuals who deny individual human rights, and the  understanding of their substantiality...  

On the other hand, my work since 1979, in fact has resulted in the modeling and application of the laws of real human systems probably on a level far more advanced than that of the understanding of cells and its usage against cancer. This knowledge work with a desirable future unveils the individual nature of the psychosomatic interface of real human systems (cultures and individuals), and among others, with it, allows very effective trauma treatments. Using the personal parameters for the space of freedom allows a desirable onset for personal and organizational development and mediation, up to a functional synthesis of lifefulfillment with tasks fulfillment on the job. And of course, it leads to advanced assessment and qualifications tools to make the so-called human resource management an applied personal science. The problem to be overcome is the prevailing ignorance about recognizing the substance of real human systems and their trauma on the side of the victims. On the side of the intellectuals, "man-age-rs" and politicians, its is their attempt to encapsulate their subordinates which has to be overcome. Reducing people to representative of their target group, mere inessential abstracts such as "Jews", "Palestinians" etc., has to be overcome in view of the utter failure of this approach to instrumentalize substance. The problem of this greedy attempt to try and get still more return on investment for such thinking catastrophes has to be personalized! It is the same old story as in the old Baal Temples, of which modern money machines are the equivalent. For a turnaround such mystical idolatry has to be shattered irrelevant by a critical number of responsible, real human beings.

Please consider where the attention and the money still flows; towards understanding and its possible concern for  real human beings, or towards switching on/off the genes, manipulation of any substance? Towards survival of the outdated psycho-political system of instrumentalizing real human systems, or towards life through task fulfillment according to one's innate substantiality?

The concept of "The Jerusalem Platform" in intended to foster the required balance between the necessary manipulation and the sufficient understanding; how about YOU? What do you care and live for other than at the cost of other lives?

Abstracts ] Introduction ] [ Update2007 ]