
This BCM project of The Jerusalem Platform specifically addresses the key problem of humanity and is a constructive way to overcome the post modernistic systemic hoax advocated by post-normal scientist#2. The analysis of the feasibility of a Jerusalem Platform is exemplary.

By modeling the key players in the Jerusalem conflict we present a constructive way to learn from the failure of the Camp David peace talk and thus honor the people who had to pay for the underlying thinking c3-catastrophe. Actually we shall reveal that the Arab-Israeli relationship bears the challenge to solve the main global problem that, if unresolved, keeps humanity wasting its potential to become the nervous system in the living space earth. A model for human system is introduced that can be parameterized for each entity involved to do justice to its C3-life fulfillment.

Even if it is no %1=longer politically correct to find better ways to run societies than to sacrifice human lives for politically correct systems, that is what this BCM-project is all about. The solution, a lifefulfilling platform is based upon the path from §1 to §3 embedded in §0=securing global sustainability in terms of lifefulfillment. Thus §3=social justice in pursuing §2=living and working together in synergy as human beings, based on the basic §1=human right for self-expression emphasizes coherence in the life of each human system. But this also requires understanding the isolated §3-mentality life energy flow; it allows to predict the worst case scenario for each human system involved. So in whatever  state a human system is, its MOS=mental operating system can be upgraded by unlocking the appropriate ports.

In view of the sad state of the political situation in Israel we should in fact all be prepared to our individual bit to solve the same problem in our living space. The US-President Clinton thus got involved in a personally relevant way and got the other key players involved accordingly. However, the Arab-Israeli relationship demands a X balanced fairness, which neither the political two-party system of Israel nor the mass manipulation dependent system of the Arab culture can provide. The Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak pointed out, that it takes two to Tango and Nr. 2 is still Jassir Arafat, who in his personal X loneliness depends on his intuitive connectedness to politically survive. Barak also pointed out, that we should turn every stone up; may be YOU in your potential for Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©…

The "binocular of your mind" is the MOS you have adopted. In human systems governed by c3-SELF-DECEPTION, the result of %6=projecting challenges to the %1=political correctness and %5=manipulating it in fragments as we have seen in the USA 2000 election, the TRUTH becomes too grim to be confronted. The 20th century has demonstrated that our politically correct preventative capabilities are dangerously limited in terms of humanity surviving on this planet. Thus the conclusion how to go about the bottleneck is obvious besides the content-free science#1 and the personally-neutral science#2, which even failed in the US-election 2000, we urgently need to make science#3 operational as suggested here. 

In short: This BCM project of The Jerusalem Platform specifically addresses the key problem of humanity and is a constructive way to overcome the post modernistic systemic hoax advocated by post-normal scientist#2. Actually we shall reveal that the Arab-Israeli relationship bears the challenge to solve the main global problem that, if unresolved, keeps humanity wasting its potential to become the nervous system in the living space earth. Even if it is no %1=longer politically correct to find better ways to run societies than to sacrifice human lives for politically correct systems, that is what this BCM-project is all about. So in whatever  state a human system is, its MOS=mental operating system can be upgraded by unlocking the appropriate ports.

[ Abstracts ] Introduction ] Update2007 ]