3. The Last Stone to be Turned up
      before the point on no return...

For the Records and as a Measure Stick
for what is to come: 

The following pictures have been taken from the game "Erkenne Dich selbst" (Recognize Yourself) (ISBN 3-925645-00-4) with kind permission of the Burk Publishing Company to address the right brain's capabilities.

In his search for X essential power, Ehud Barak C1=provided the collective motto, "no stone should be left unturned on the way to peace", 
for the Camp David 2000 initiative of the USA. 

In view of the sad state of the political situation in Israel he was prepared to I2=do his individual bit in sticking out his neck to make the event a test for the §1/J=self justification of his position power. President Clinton acknowledged his courage in following his initiative. For this event Barak was able to *3=submit his power in order to go along with an -4 experiment in which all +2 concerned could share their %1 suffering and %5 compete in view of the %6 impatience of their respective electorates: However, he needs to do the same now in the Knesset! And that under the far tougher circumstances of having to §2/!=die away from the Camp David atmosphere to the politics at home.  

What is at stake is the Israeli-Arab balance which contains the danger of an irreparable repulsion in the §1/y=minimal contacts, which would inhibit the remaining fairness required 
for overcoming enmity.

In coming to Camp David, the parties left behind their *3 complacency, -4 ambition, and -2 enduring  %1 readiness to use each other as scapegoats, %5 grateful to be able to go on and in their %6 negative thinking trying to please their enemies at home. The Arab-Israeli relationship demands a X balanced fairness, which neither the political two-party system of Israel nor the mass manipulation dependent system of the Arab culture can provide. The unmet task to mend the Israeli-Arab relationship has thus been a continuous challenge to the American presidents: one which they could only barely face with individual personal competence#3 and never in their role in their c3-political system, which is too crude too. And as we now know. has fallen in the same 49.9/50.1% trap... 

Both the Jews and Israel X need the affection to a higher power to secure their §1/h=living space. Humanity at large has still not made up 
its mind to guarantee each other even §1, fighting wars over §2, sublimating §3, mobbing and crucifying whoever touches §0...

In its blocked struggle to become a full member of the nations of this world, Israel is a continuous challenge, which still arouses anti-Semitism. That in turn makes the Jews *3 blame others, where and when they cannot, or do not want to -4/+2 compete with what is imposed on them. Human mentality is full of the corresponding %1distortions and the resulting eye for eye %5 aggression and %6-simplifications that lead to scapegoating. 

Personally neutral science#2, the philosophy based humanities, pretend to be a solution to that problem, while in fact they are the problem! 

Unless Judaism meets the challenge of the the resulting aimlessness in view of lifefulfillment rather than continually displacing it onto the Wailing Wall or the hope for the Messiah, it remains its own stumbling block, unable to contribute the y=minimum mutual understanding it takes to live together with each others or with other nations. 

Unless Israel's system wardens overcome the §3/c-inferiority of their arguing, Israel cannot maintain its identity with its own c=constraints, which it tries to impose on the people in the still occupied areas. In the Palestinian situation there is even less comfort in view of what does not work for peace for the Israelis, the prevailing postmodern c3-way of thinking in the 1st world promoted by the leading intellectuals! The fact is, a Jerusalem Platform requires a radically new way of thinking! It is not enough to have radical weapons, say atom bombs and anti-missile missiles, available!

PS. This life-principle I used for Israel is actually mine also, so I have some 56 years of experience to know waht I am talking about... 

Bill Clinton's life has so far been governed by his X insistence on becoming and remaining president of the USA for the purpose of which 
he took all sorts of §1/a=intuitive risks, among others the Camp David initiative:

Rather than giving in to the *3 distress connected to the end of presidency or -4 sulking about his wife's new career, he +2 identified with the real distress in the Middle East, Clinton time and again was %1 letting go of the futile political battles in Washington by preparing a new %5 commitment to meet his %6 hidden, personal agenda:

He had his chance to go beyond what former President Carter did by %6 appealing to c3-altruism.

Bill Clinton seems to have enough experience to understand the end of the c3-age and use the rest of his life in the service of the unavoidable transition from fragmenting life to fulfilling it for as many as possible. 

Undoubtedly his presidency has prepared the economic conditions for some degree of fulfillment and that will hopefully not be wasted in another war instead!

As to him personally, he has established close ties to the key players in the Jerusalem problem which gives him a platform worthy of his life's fulfillment beyond his presidency. 

The fact is Israel, specifically Jerusalem, is the place to start installing §0 in form of a sustainable lifefulfilling platform, primarily because this place is the M=maximum risk spot for the sustainability of humanity. It arouses us to images of resurrection and reconciliation, as well as images of plotting with nuclear terror, revelation and apocalypse and it had a Temple which once was a precursor of the suggested platform... 

In the meantime the distress of  Ehud Barak's political destiny arouses the f=feelings as a lesser challenge. He personally need his feeling to guide himself towards his §3-fulfillment rather than trying to maintain his power at all cost. As many times before, Rabbi Ovadia has prepared an extraordinary challenge for  Israeli politics; forcing it to cope with the internal anger and the external hate, which he has aroused. It is not enough for Ehud Barak to call his remarks unworthy; he should have faced the underlying challenge or somebody else will, at the loss of his power and more! And sure enough Sharon touched the trigger...

The unresolved inner contradictions in the Israeli-Arab relationship, in which all parties concerned need to try to do something together, something which no partner has achieved in his own camp, first of all requires  !=overcoming the prevailing c3-thinking catastrophe! Only if this challenge is seen as the bottleneck for humanity and as the bottleneck to be faced urgently with TOP PRIORITY can we not fall into the abyss of the alternative which some imagine may be called the last battle of Armageddon.                  

Bill Clinton, with his cheerful polishing up of his J=self-justification as a 7=facilitator for Be=the establishment of more appropriate boundary conditions has qualified himself beyond his presidency as the coach for the Jerusalem Platform to be set up with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© in order to go beyond the traditional c3-roles and power positions. His ability to !=overcome outdated forms and roles by adapting to new projects in which he can insist that the necessary risks are taken gives rise to hope that he will §3-fulfill his life with more worthwhile risks than were available with  Monica Lewinsky  and it might well be shown, what meaning all the ramifications of that episode in his life really has; shaping him up for his real job after the one he insisted on getting in the previous part of his life.


The fact that Jassir Arafat is introduced at this stage in this context is a mere consequence of his 9Pm-personality structure and fits the 
historical context - not vice versa...


As Ehud Barak pointed out, it takes two to Tango and Nr. 2 is still Jassir Arafat, who in his personal X loneliness depends on his intuitive connectedness to politically survive. He thus deserves special attention after the other two, who have already reached §3 at this stage.

Arafat has the §1-sensitivity to J=justify his position power and of course wants to thus become the Head of the State of Palestine. As that he would be outstanding yet again, starting with his unforgettable debut at the UN!

However, for that to happen, he needs to give Palestine a *3 perspective beyond his first one of "pushing Israel into the sea", one to create a -4 togetherness which copes with the necessities of his people and that requires the +2 clarification of what they themselves have to give and where they need to compromise and learn in order to allow enough %1 contentedness to overcome the deadly %5 c3-prejudice of centuries of human history in order to restore the C3-essence of mind required to master, not just the challenges of sustainability, the pre-requisite that of the

lifefulfillment of as many as possible;

to allow an MOS that sustains sustainability

Thus it almost seems, humanity is at the mercy of Jassir Arafat's mental c3>C3 transformation! With coaching from Bill Clinton, based on the knowledge presented here as the tip of the iceberg of science#3, Applied Personal Science APS® that is possible! As ever so often, especially in the area of Jerusalem, it is the loners and outcasts who learn the lessons first and not those who think they are the first, the c3-system wardens, Pharisees, philosophers and intellectuals!

In addition, the Israel-Arab relationship needs to be reframed in terms of what it is has to fulfill;  

Armageddo, The Ultimate Battle or a
Lifefulfilling Platform for Jerusalem,
as a model for any other human system!

It is a matter of utmost §3/I sensitivity and requires the best I=concepts from all concerned to be dealt with in fairness, letting go the c3-framework of the 20th century which has been disqualified through all its human catastrophes. Whoever asks for references and political correctness, as do those government officials who shield off their superiors from this site, as did some subaltern officer in Pearl Harbor, are equally disqualified; in this century we all have the same task to fulfill; onyl in it we shall fulfill our lives! 


As ever so often, those primarily concerned, the Palestinian poeple came last in their justified §1/h claims for a h=living space  
in the midst of idealistic c3-negative thinking about C3.  

It needs indeed an  X idealistic bottom line with an  a=intuitive inkling for compromise to thus live at the outskirts of the crumbling c3-mentality in this world! On a concrete level this compares with those who lived near the Berlin Wall before its fall and indeed the prophecy goes, a now closed gate in the wall of Jerusalem will open when the Messiah comes again...

Originally desert inhabitants, the Arabs have developed a *3 generosity for the mentality of others which allowed them to keep their -4/+2 hidden agenda in view of the %1 unrest in the so-called "civilized" world. The %5 impatience of world 1 with their way of life and their eagerness to share it have led to the %6 unrest in the whole Middle East. 

All this provoked a lot of negative thinking starting with the Crusades, anti-Semitism, the corresponding genocides and wars. As if this were not enough, under the surface of all those fires is oil, the ingredient of the power in the 20th century and the fuel for the world wide illusions about mobility and reengineering this planet in men's c3-image. In addition the spread of the Moslem movement is growing fast, while Judaism and Christianity stagnate...

In this context the §2/J-need for affection of the Arabs seems to be J=self-sufficiently pointing to the equally closed c3-mindset of the western civilization. 

However, compared to the western mind the Arabs' §3/!-investigation are about how to !=break out of their closed systems, even with terrorism. The western mind on the other side tries to prevent its self-destructive dynamics with technical innovations, which sounds nicer, but in the end is a far greater danger to humanity!

This is reflected in the Moslem tradition of not paying interest for money and rather sharing profit and §0/R neediness, and in this sense the Arabs, contrary to the prevailing prejudice are more grounded in reality and more able to R=(re)solutions from their illusions (the nature of which they have to existentially cope with), than the western mind spoilt by the emperor's new clothes, the security of the Red Cross, Social Security etc.  


In terms of the solution and its coaching, Bill Clinton's §0/h, which requires him to make contentedness his h=living space, is a relevant measure stick of what progress requires in order not to fall back and sacrifice the §1-3 achievements that were acquired with so much bloodshed, tears, work and pain.

On the other hand Ehud Barak's §0/X is seeking the X=essential power which allows a sustainable lifefulfillment for as many as possible as is reflected in his stated will to build a more secure and just State of Israel. However, on this level he has to explicitly  included the Palestinians! If he feels, Jassir Arafat is not ripe yet, then he has to realize that 

without §0 no key player is ripe

and allow a corresponding training as suggested here in view of the suggested Jerusalem Platform! As in the case of Bill Clinton he might serve that purpose that concerns the whole of humanity, better out side the c3-cursed government system. Former US-President Carter tried, yet in rather esoteric ways, but it might be a start...  

The fact that Jassir Arafat appears after the other key player's §0 with the 6Ow-empathy for b=balancing the situation without losing %6=control over the Ow=working out the objective of his Palestinian State as its President, calls for all who want to deal with him to get their act together to allow him to do his §2-duty! Bearing in mind that his §3 copes with 6Cr-confrontation, his partners can thus choose whether they want him to confront them or help him confront the trouble makers in his own camp so that he will not mobilizing the extremists against their limiting perspective in his ability to !=die away to fulfill his life for the cause he chooses.  

This brings the Israeli-Arab relationship to the point of its §0-fulfillment in 2Cm-blaming the respective cause of troubles to find its J=justification in having Cm=multiplied the communication that points to its identity:

either as the onset for global destruction because c3-man is not qualified for sustainability, or 

for reframing at least the key player's mind with a C3-MOS, to allow us to C3-fulfill our lives rather than going on wasting each other in the 20th century way; the Old Testament has set the model...

Last but not least, proving the point made here, Jassir Arafat, formerly the main stumbling block, could/can/will be the cornerstone for whatever way the key players decide to go in the v=values HE chooses in view of the c3-evasion of the world in regard to the people suffering from the thinking catastrophes of its leaders...

The remaining question is, what values are we offering the loner Arafat in his intuitive connectedness as his the bottom line to chose from, bearing in mind that western c3-rhetoric does not work with him or for that matter with the Arabs, the Israelis and all of us when it come to fulfillment....

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