The content-free FAQ facts point to a Titanic reaction pattern has surfaced time and again in industry after industry, in project after project:


As long as all is going well it is like being raised in a well-off family where there are no problems or scarcity. Thus no worries and not deeper thought surface, and if some still surface, they are ignored, ridiculed and suppressed. That is why such families seldom produce outstanding characters...and if, they become runaways such as Joseph who ended up in Egypt to introduce a 14 year's perspective into the Pharaoh's rule... 

bulletWhen things downgrade to global wars and genocide, the same pattern of ignoring solutions in time is re-established; and then there is more high tech applied more globally - and now, ruled by low-complexity people (such as George W.), we have reached a point at which high complexity problems arise beyond our control. Specifically this soccer's apprentice's situation channels more and more of the human resources under its spell in low complexity ways to deal with the symptoms; generalizing and killing, using end- and death technology at the cost of the dwindling resources!

We have seen this in the religious and national struggles of the past, in the now globalized manufacturing industry, in the rising number of service businesses from airlines to

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