My prime lesson has become operational in the following image, hoping is spills over to you, when your time has come: 

Each human system has 6 non-essential and 16 essential modes of being which are more or less suppressed by the collective mentality, e.g. by a certain %-percentage of people who express critique, reservation, ignorance, fear of attracting reservation by being in touch with it and in consequence, distortion, ultimately, hate. It has been exemplified by Peter, even after having been warned in LUK 22:34 But Jesus said, "Peter, let me tell you something. The rooster will not crow tomorrow morning until you have denied three times that you even know me." 

In an actual case (one out of 144 possible) this means that only the three states, the non-essential

bullet -4 (avoiding pain), and the two essential ones,
bullet H3-f (expressing a feeling about the reality involved) and
bullet L3-c (standing with enough character for the redesign implied)

are beyond the general public acceptance limit: In this case it means, that such a person has to submerge her inner experience between expressing what she -4 does not want, and H3-f feeling the reality about what is done in between by the collective, to then get in shape up for L3-c redesigning the basics of the corresponding management:

The above collective pattern, in a framework to be worked out, refers to the AU=Australian mentality which is !=impotent at the §2=social implication of existence: To save "its" face, those it should serve, in this case Australians, have to loose theirs at the level of personal !-impotence! Gallipoli, was and still is the model case; a human disaster, consequence on many thinking catastrophes, the bloodiest defeat in Australia's military involvement in its history: Belief it or not, its organizational learning is still anchored in it!  

To make that possible the mainstream so-called c3-MOS mental operating system was designed 2300 years before, by Plato and implemented by Aristotle. Its purpose is to weaken individuals enough for the collective to dominate them; externally by its monopoly for coercive power. It is implemented by the loveless teaching of what we shall call science#2 that makes people suppress all their modes with less than 75% social compatibility. This limit reflects to onset of personal belief, hope and love for a path upon which the truth experienced leads to personal lifefulfillment. This evil approach was seemingly sustained 2000 years ago by crucifying Jesus Christ, while in fact that event already marked its defeat! 

Without implementing the corresponding insight with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© the thus misguided humanity will crucify itself to fulfill the self-fulfilling prophecy of the man-made system wardens

In the above exemplary individual case the result is the following -4 / H3-f / L3-c fragmentation: The collective makes the individual develop a c=characteristic profile in view of her loving urge to L3=redesign some outdated basics with global implications, specifically with 8Br-determindnes to get r=ready for the F8=necessary B=boundary conditions that lead beyond what is bound to fail. And that without any public expression of G5-!>L as outlined above, that could be a challenge to the §2-! impotence of the Australian mentality: 

Social Compatibility

                                       Individual ?*+/-§BHL Modes of Being

The individual thus modeled, lives in South Australia and has found a way to live the above outlined challenge: She expresses her life principle with the willingness to work in palliative care, to sit beside and accompany people with a known limited time to be themselves in the life remaining to them. This is very challenging because one cannot help but put oneself in the same place as those one sits beside. However, this is also full of wonders, since it makes you see clearly, the truly important things in life  which are otherwise suppressed in the non-caring collective %-oriented mass, which behaves as if it would live forever...

Since the resulting lesson is between herself and a dying person, it poses no threat to the collective, unless she dares to place herself as the leader of those who must also take on this role and derive managerial prerogatives from it...then the pre-trans-trap snaps on her and hurts her! And that in turn, she can only survive, if there are others as she keeps hoping, who will be there with her at her brush. That highlights a believe in those she has served likewise.

"Is there anything more important than this? I don't think so!", said she...obviously hoping to extend her experience to the living ones - but under the prevailing mentality, in vain and in pain, which need to be sublimated to get on with where it is allowed, with dying ones...

In a broader context, the above diagram depicts the collective induced pain in the respective individual under the present collective mentality. Whoever does not emancipate from it develops revengeful ways to act out the thus suppressed modes. He or she, then in return spread the evil when an opportunity arises, e.g. when someone dare to step over his or her %-limits. It is the mental software version of the Berlin Wall; mines go off when your are tagged a scapegoat for all our pain within it! That is where, what say Amnesty International, fights against, injustice, coercion, cruelty and torture, begins... 

In short, in this way to be outlined further, specifically in few of a Lifefulfilling Perspective for South Australia, the present mainstream mentality determines which of your states of being are considered worth being noticed and which are not! And mind you, this is irrespective of their content and meaning to you yourself, or someone else! 

Most people have given in to this social conditioning, just as a young elephant must give in if it is chained with a string! And so later on, that string, which by now it could easily free itself from, it will just as well succumb to it. The elephant does not notice that it could be torn away easily since it does not think by itself; just as Ted along with most trendsetters expressed he does not like to. 

Similarly you have become part of propagating that limitation of your life's fulfillment! Passed on this way from generation to generation...and thus limiting yourself to caring more for the %-limited and dead states of being, opinions, which are burying other dead ones using dead-end technology. And all this has become the most human affair in this world; the true scandal is its normality!

And that non-sustainable nonsense is what we are going to deregulate so that those concerned can revitalize, specifically in an exemplary way South Australia, with their full uninhibited potential in a lifefulfilling way!

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