FAQ to the Introduction to Science#3:

Scientists#1 with a conscience are being undermined by the increasing number of financial#1 interactions between industry and universities. Also an entire network#2 of journalists, editors, and science commentators has grown up around this topic through which scientist#2 try to instrumentalize science#1: During the 1990s, for instance, there were a few high-profile cases in which companies funded research by academics but didn't like their conclusions, and then bullied and threatened and tried everything in their power to suppress the research. Around 1999 a much cited study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that clinical research into cancer drugs was eight times more likely to reach a positive conclusion when funded by drug companies than when publicly funded. Presumably, when industry sponsored research reached negative conclusions, a lot of it just didn't come to light.

Yet while the world learns, through precedent and anecdote, to grumble about the corrupting influence of corporate lucre, there has been very little discussion about what might be the true scale of the problem.

Let us look at the underpinning of the science#2 corruption via Knowledge, Religion and State, Authorities, Heresies and Hierarchies:

The notion of modernity presupposes the split of culture into separate domains such as science, religion and politics. In the discourse since Plato this division has been grounded in the principle of c3-autonomy. Each cultural domain is supposed to have developed rules for constructing its objects, establishing its boundaries and creating its own patterns of authorization. Almost unquestioned the very idea of progress has been understood in terms of the dissolution of reference to C3 and to the Bible, and then to any hierarchical ordering of cultural domains in traditional societies. 

Clearly, Western modernity is perceived as a culture that has effectively refused the totalistic drive of one domain – such as religion in the Middle Ages, politics in the Revolutionary age, or in Nazi Germany and communist Soviet Union – to subsume all others under its own rules. However, post-modernity revealed that such progress converges into the "anything goes" chaos. This is the result of the Euro-American historical circumstances which is presented as a universal «telos», a norm to be followed by all cultures aspiring for a place in the market, rather than a fact related to a particular context.

However, there are still those conscious human being who challenge such such ungrounded visions as what they are, a non-sustainable escape into man-made c3-virtual reality. It is not so much the emergence of «political religions» and the role played by collective identities – especially those anchoring themselves in fundamentalist traditions – which in the post-modern democratic game demonstrate the difficulty to banish relating to C3, beyond religion#2 to the private sphere even in the West; its individuals such as Gorbatschov! Detailed historical case studies performed in the last thirty years show the deep immersion of science in society and politics to thus pre-trans-trap mentally alert people!

The aim of this site is to analyze the construction of such divisions not through political, religious and scientific#2 discourses, but through science#3. The universal validity of such divisions will not just be questioned but revealed as the cause of all evils for it results in closed, self-destructive systems. It is not a matter of probing into some case studies with the traditional narratives of science#2, religion and politics. It is time to examine the laws of lifefulfillment in the light of science#3 with not just an informed understanding of cultural boundaries, but in modeling them in terms of the underlying c3-MOS mental operating systems in view of overcoming their, now dangerous short-comings with lifefulfilling C3-MOS and their interfacing on lifefulfilling platforms.

Science#2 at largely hails structural and functional differentiation of modern democracies and religious as its hallmarks. Thus many new pseudo religions have mushroomed throughout the world, and are now cold trends and infiltrate all aspects of the society, orienting politics, the economic system, family life and morality towards their wrath in a social Darwinian competition with the spell of others. 

Despite all the talk about freedom to alternative beliefs, practices and organizations to which modern society has given rise, the post-modern societies, while celebrating pluralism, still do their very best to pre-trans-trap, control or «liquidate» any genuine, C3-anchored and thus sustainable and truly lifefulfilling solutions  in their midst.

As science#1 became a force for desacralization in differentiating societies empowered by its technology, it at first became something that is liable itself to be treated as sacred therein through the power of its proves. However that has since produced a conflict with the science#2 and its way to perceive position power. It is actually demeaning science#1 in science#2 induced paradoxes in our still science#2, outdated by science#1, dominated reflective understanding of existence. 

This results in attempts to c3-reengineering what is in the way of science#2's sacra sancta position, the individual who still thinks by himself with media manipulation, neuro- and biotechnology...some are openly advocating the end of biological life to a more controllable forms on chips or in virtual reality...where the money flows...

In 1633, Galileo Galilei abjured the Copernican theory in Rome. By order of Pope Urban VIII, his sentence was made known to all Catholic mathematicians and philosophers. In 1895, the Dominican Dalmace Leroy retracted the theory of evolution, again in Rome. The text of his retraction was published in a French Catholic newspaper. I will show that both cases are characterized by similar theological and institutional presuppositions about the relationship between theology and natural philosophy. Namely: 1) a particular understanding of biblical hermeneutic, 2) the subordination of natural philosophy to theology, and 3) a form of the exercise of the Roman magisterium through the  Congregation of the Inquisition and of the Index of Prohibited Books.

No wonder scientists#1 are frequently compelled to develop split personalities. On the one side, they are part of the scientific realm#1 where logic, reductionism, and objectivity are indispensable. On the other side, they remain human beings#3 with their mundane#2 desires, pleasures, and their personal relationships to partners where both often have just the little insight#2 into the exacting scientific world in its relevance for lifefulfillment. So those split minded scientists#1 try to negate their personal#3 beyond what is considered human#2 - dependent on science#2 dominated budgets... Others live a true double life. But often, the most creative ones find ways to draw inspiration and creativity from their social, philosophical, religious, and artistic interests#2 and activities.

While scientific#1 results must withstand logical and objective criteria, the routes of discovery is said to be full of accidental, humane, and spontaneous sensuous factors which are driven by extra-scientific#2 passions and the urge for C3-lifefulfillment for as many as possible...

From the fifteenth century, statebuilding combined with the outcome of the Reformation, undermined the role of Catholicism as the one official, universal C3-religion. The segmentation of religion was intensified in the eighteenth-century; the creation of a public intellectual and cultural c3-space in Enlightenment Europe went hand in hand with a «privatization» of religion. Then come technology which in our post-modern times promises to allow virtual reality in which one can become one's own creator in one's own universe relating to others via handy...

The intensification and dissemination of the belief in human rights#2 and human dignity#2 is an important trait of our age to secure the position power of system wardens#2;  not primarily to allow lifefulfillment#3!; one can speak of an ongoing process of the sacralization#1 of the individual in modernity to the present post-normal identification with the brand marks of the things one consumes. This degeneration into idolatry constituted a serious challenge to every C3-consious individual! There certainly is a tension between the c3-promises and the resulting gloomy global C3-consequences...say after President George W. Bush refusal to go along with the Kyoto agreement...

That is where Ecstatic Culture, Popular Religion and Social Change comes in to infotain the mass beyond the c3-pont of no C3-return - which was once called condemnation. The cultural effect of such pseudo religious kicks is particularly due to its «popularity» and distribution in the marketplace, praised by the use of popular media and genres, and the exclusion of expert knowledge.

When all fails, Bioethics becomes a last mental resort in the abundant Western modernity. This is especially so because seeming individual autonomy has been the guiding principle in the development: 


American-style creationism has proved to be as exportable as rock music and Levis. Despite being «Made in America», creation science between the early 1970s and 2001 has flooded the world, establishing major beachheads from the South Pacific to the North Atlantic. 


Of particular interest are the dramatic spread of Muslim creationism from its epicenter in Turkey and


the Russian Ministry of Education’s promotion of creationism to further the restoration of true academic freedom after years of


government-imposed orthodoxy.

Still, the metaphysical question about truth was not resolved with the above considerations about human competence. Within the still prevailing c3-mentality it is therefore inevitable that this world regularly resorts simply to the thus increasingly faster changing spirit of the time; more and more placed into the hands of mere artists education who know that beyond their skillful doing they are acting for fame as fast trend speakers. 

Among the many fractured discourses of late modernity is  conflict between the intellectual expertise#2 and the idea of personal virtue#3, which post-modernists try to decide in their "anything goes" terms despite the chaos, turning it into the new virtue out of which a new order, "the emperor's new cloth,  is to emerge...

So we are suggested with an increasing number of philosophical, methodological, institutional, and political options which renders them all more and more meaningless in more and more people's minds. And the best scientists#s2 can and always have offered are some speculations about the consequences of the current commonplace for the cultural authority of knowledge and knowers.

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