bullet2 Personal Neutrality and Science#2

Personal Neutral Requirement for Social Substantiality - Science#2

Remark: This is not a plain text - simple mind site! The ABBREVIATIONS (X=...) used are the corner stones of the descriptions which through them can be turned into a lifefulfilling platform. Open-minded people have no problem with that. You may at first read over them until you are used to them and begin to appreciate their deeper meaning; not to get lost in the innate dynamics of language out of which we need to emancipate in order to redesign the outdated c3-world towards C3-lifefulfillment! The same applies for the COLORS used, they highlight the relevant levels of abstractions of the mental ports in a consistent way to which you will get used to if you allow it. You may Search for references to "c3=", "C3="  etc. within my sites

Science#2 was originally in the service of "free citizens": Traditionally even the most atheistic scientist accepted as an act of faith that the universe is not absurd, that there is a rational basis not just to physical existence manifested as a law like order in nature and that the underling order is at least in part comprehensible to us. So science could only begin and proceed because the founding scientists adopted an essentially theological C3-worldview . Understand where we have gone from there:

The second great tradition, which was undercut by Greek philosophy, was the Judaic-Christian worldview, according to which the universe was created by God at some definite moment in the past and ordered according to a fixed set of laws. The Jews taught that the universe unfolds in a unidirectional sequence-what we now call linear time-according to a definite historical process: creation, evolution, and dissolution . This notion of linear time-in which the story of the universe has a beginning, a middle, and an end-stands in marked contrast to the concept of cosmic cyclicity, the pervading mythology of almost all ancient cultures. Cyclic time-the myth of the eternal return-springs from mankind's close association with the cycles and rhythms of nature, and remains a key component in the belief systems of many cultures today. It also lurks just beneath the surface of the Western mind, erupting occasionally to infuse our art, our folklore, and our literature. A world freely created by God, and ordered in a particular, felicitous way at the origin of a linear time, constitutes a powerful set of beliefs, and was taken up by both Christianity and Islam. An essential element of this belief system is that the universe does not have to be as it is: It could have been otherwise and can thus be reengineered by man. Einstein once said that the thing that most interested him is whether God had any choice in His creation. According to the Judeo-Islamic-Christian tradition, the answer is a resounding yes. This of course leads to word-based discusions how to Om-go about reengineering a man-made c3-world, which today makes people suppress the thought of tis C3-origin and this way we are in the midste of wordy philosophy and its c3-blessing and C3-curse on humanity....

Some scientists have tried to argue that if only we knew enough about the laws of physics, we were able to discover a final theory that united all the fundamental forces and particles of nature into a single mathematical scheme, then we would find that this superlaw, or theory of everything, would describe   the only logically consistent world.   In other words, the nature of the physical world would thus be demonstrated to be entirely a consequence of logical and mathematical necessity.  There would be no choice about it. This is of course, demonstrably, a thinking catastrophe. There is no way to prove that the universe is logically necessary because that would refer to somebody's need; a paradox. But intellectuals argue differently, they claim theoretical physics finds it easy to imagine alternative universes that are logically consistent , and therefore equal contenders for reality ; and there you go with an "anything goes - that goes" philosophy of "I think, therefore I am" to the degree, I can c3-reach Cm>% attention for my existence in terms of attention, reputation, budge and position power....

Objectively speaking humans have a body similar to the next to skin mammals to live, a will to survive individually and a mind to be part of cultures. We have senses to perceive the reality of that quest and, more metaphorically a soul, some say in the heart, to experience our live and share that of others. In post-modern times almost forgotten, we have a head with a unique brain that allows access to life's fulfillment via the following port (a descriptive analogy to a computer as the highest mental achievement of humanity that allows programs access to the processor via ports in order that they can fulfill the task set by the programmer and applied by the user interacting directly or via a network via other users with their computers containing their tasks):

Time Horizon and the relevant Substantiality of the Human Brain:

§1 =Existence and its Expression
§2 =Right/Duty in a Social Context with §1
§3 =Success/
Justice in fulfilling §2
§0 =Lifeful-
fillment of as many as possible with §3
Frontal Lobes >
life long traces
%1 =pol. Correctness
of the mainstream
%5 =Manipulation of %1 as a trend-speaker
%6 =Projection of a Need to Change
20 min -2 Days
+2 =towards Lust; more of the same
-4 =avoiding Misery; striving for less
20 sec
*3 =Egocentric Considerations

c3>Cm>% evolution
of C3-alienation, sin:
?0=matters of course, %=projected by the c3>Cm>% philosophy such as language and the resulting trend in its cyclical phases (high: prepared by prophets - awakening: worked out by nomads - unraveling: multiplied and enforced by heroes - crisis: established by post-normal artists) of around 20 years, its exponential quantitative and now globalizing growth up to the point of no return and, without intervention, beyond...
Humans are capable to convey their practice with life in a P=process with their fellows in order to F7=influence their mentality towards 

life up to e=establishing a culture.

This process is guided by the personally neutral, so-called objective humanities which we call science#2 and finds its expression in terms in the O=objectives to be m=multiplied as determined in politics.  But what can science#2 do, if for some content-free reason people do not want to understand and apply it, say in a mutiny, or when they are not fit to implement the otherwise present will? Then science#1 addressing their content-free needs say with medicine or technology has to step in.

Thanks to §3, the *3=egocentric perception of some people has softened, reaching beyond merely c3=controlling objects, commanding people and communicating the remaining risks to be able to scapegoat or sublimate them.   Yet too much begins with the key -4  in playing the above piano of personal-neutral life striving for less  understanding that C3=basically we are the Creatures of the Creator in his Creation with a life give to us to care for it and thus fulfill it based on §1-3 in view of §0. This point to a correspondingly lacking science#3, for lifefulfillment cannot be organized with personal neutrality, for each of us has been given a different life with a different purpose to fulfill! The attitude that allows science#3, e.g. making one's lifefulfillment or that of specific others a project, is called "love".

In view of this quest, science#2 has come up with ideals and a corresponding ?0=formalism. The respective system wardens such as the Pharisees, more interested in their position power than in "love" and thus lacking any science#3 sense , thus misuse the ?0 entrusted to them for their hidden c3-agenda. The Bible calls replacing the C3 with a c3 focus, sin.  Now the sin of others makes "us" !X=afraid of being other-determined by "them" in our X=essence and thus come to an un-life-fulfilled !=death.

In order to outline the full width of personally neutral concepts from C3 to sin versus fulfillment in view of the certain death  we had to touch some personally relevant science#3 matters which will be outlined in full in the respective lesson to follow.

What I have %6=projected is the fact that each of us has the "piano keys" *3, +2, -4, %1, %5 %6, §1, §2, §3, §0 available to play the tune of his/her life and in addition ?0 to play that of others or makes others play yours. In doing so I have also introduced the respective color code to be able to create a transparency that reached beyond the linear black on white one-track minded one offered by science#2.

In doing so, the intensity of our play is limited by our !X=fear of an X=essence unfulfilled !=death. To prevent that we struggle to create more breath overcoming the corresponding other-determinedness by a Xn=self-determinedness to apply our respective F3n= competencies  (n=1 and for some 2 or even 4; indicating we are NOT really equal in the structure of our potential which indicates that science#2 cannot have all answers! ). In doing so, we may become G=guilty of doing more harm than good. This leads to GX=arguments and in the collective context to X'=visions to overcome guilt and the corresponding XX'=conviction to sacrifice some of the X-fulfillment for the common good X'-fulfillment...

To cope with the resulting struggle between individuals and the collective, a corresponding GX'=belief system is required to justify the X'=collective vision to the otherwise self-guilty individual - a threat to the collective! Since that cannot be totally out ruled as history proves, in addition a GX*XX'=hope raisging motivation system is c3-man-made to "help" people find GX=arguments that XX'=convince them to pay their tribute to the collective, say as taxes to finance its monopoly of power over them...   

So much for the personal-neutral range of concepts required to define the interfaces of a lifefulfilling platform ; what that means will be outlined in the George W. Bush's example, the holder of the highest office on earth in 2001, the US-Presidency...

Please consider this, the higher key you touch on the above piano of life, the more people abandon you and try to play a more simple tune in which a misguided science#2 now supports them based on gurus and post-normal postmodernism...

Referring to §0) Each of us seeks to be heard in the present cacophony of humanity using a PRETEXT to rise a TOPIC on which, like on a stage to make a CONTRIBUTION; this specifies the minimal requirements for a platform that allows and supports and exchange between humans. Since not even that is a matter of course in this c3-dominated world, the struggle to get it or sink in it, has conditioned each of us to a certain type of MOS=mental operating system among 720 possibilities (10 x 9 x8).

This conditioning is obvious to outsiders as the character of the splinter in out eyes. But to whom it may concerned, the rod in his or her eye is usually less obvious and up for discussion, let alone identification! And that, the capability for MOS-identification is what I aim for on this site!

In general it is very encouraging to experience who most people actually still know most of the key on the piano of life despite a tremendous effort to sublimate the higher ones! This means these people have still access to the §0-solution for a togetherness in view of lifefulfillment of as many as possible - if only he or she implements the respective §1-insights in a coherent §2-doing or letting go and giving that in self and others the proper §3-meaning. To provide the necessary support, we need science#3 just as science#2   %1-politically correctly  claims to support say science#1 driven managers  with a business ethics...

In order to get that analogy in its meaning, we shall first focus in the on content-free science#1  in the next lesson ...  

Make no mistake, any post modernistic simplification or misunderstanding of he above can be exposed as a thinking catastrophe which otherwise becomes the onset of a human catastrophe as exemplified in the past, the most barbarian century, the latest footnote of Plato and his curse on humanity!

Thus reaching beyond *3 +2/-4   hedonistically cannibalizing the substantiality with a headless, content-free hedonistic approach, and to project the consequences onto the collective or on some scapegoat such as the rest world or mob those who do no longer fit in the   %1,5,6 pre-trans-trap allows access to the mental ports that are decisive for personally active (beyond passively laying its basis with giving meaning to §1-3 in view of §0) lifefulfillment:

bullet G1=Belief in the possibility of  
bullet G2=overcoming the unsatisfactory c3-world on a  
bullet G3=C3-comaptible path, on which people in the right faith can
bullet G4=find the freedom in the truth through which  
bullet G4=life can be fulfilled.  

On this path

bullet H1=hope points to the personally relevant aspect of the
bullet H2=meaningful C3-order in a
bullet H3=truthful relationship with its reality and leads to the necessary
bullet H4=certainty about its nature, meaning and purpose as far as it is relevant for the personal lifefulfillment. 

On this path science#1 has already given us access to the material possibilities to rise the well being with life quality.  It is now science#3's turn to provide the basis that teach us how to use the possibilities fro lifefulfillment properly.

That requires  

bullet L1=Love for whatever has been tangibly been created by the Creator in Creation for us Creatures to fulfill the lives we have thus been given and  a
bullet L2=understanding of the laws of the respective laws of lifefulfillment, that allow us humans in his Holy Spirit a Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC©    as our X'=contribution towards a
bullet L3=lifefulfilling C3-based of the man-made c3-world with a C3-MOS.  

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