Transcending the Norm with Black Art

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by Dr. Peter Meier
Informatics BGI AG, Zürich
deregulation substance revitalization L=solution where simplifying generalization v=confuse, by a
S P REDESIGN of the prevailing Human Resouce Management System 
n f p with a normal, lifefulfilling attitude and by the
S challenge of the Applied Personal Science APS® system

In response to the Symposium held at the "Collegium Helveticum" of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zuerich, January 11, 1999 about "Galison's Trading Zones - Putnam's Pragmatism - Wilson's Concilience" and the discussion choreoraphed by Prof. Dr. Helga Nowotny and Prof. Dr. Yehuda Elkana.

Hn-Sf-Pp black art is the self-refuting H=hardware trap which attempts to maintain a separate S=software identity that allows its practitioners to trade with others based on the P=peopleware of repressing what precedes the trading progress, substantiality, and suppressing what transcends it, the self-awareness of the corresponding identity of those involved in the trading. It is achieved by adhering to the norm of a personally neutral attitude towards objects (H), based on the content-free c3-software (S) that advocates substituting personal lifefulfillment with politically correct peopleware (P) and its pay-offs. In essence Hn-Sf-Pb black art is the attempt to substitute

ball-red.gif (915 bytes) C3, the Creator, Creation and HIS Creatures, nature with its laws, and personal substantiality with its desire for life fulfillment with the
ball-red.gif (915 bytes) c3, commanding-controlling-communicating-power of the pre-trans trap (mobbing, concentration camps, genocide), e.g. fascism in the following steps "artisticly" disguised to keep the underlying agenda hidden from the masses:

In The Economist, December 1998, the "Spirit of the Age" is charcterized so: "Malignant sadness is the world's great hidden burden", a disease that affects more people than heart disease and in most cases are not even diagnosed; it is slippery and few know how to direct their inner cry! As soon as its underlying cause is made public, this disease, the "black art plague" will be recognized like lung cancer caused by smoking. The cause of this sickness is so malignant, that being non-tangible, it cannot be excised, it slips through the net of the established mentality and cannot even be dealt with as a problem, and when its symptoms become tangible it is too late to even cure the stigma that surrounds it - after all you have to die of some-thing - why not something man-made to get the point accross, that this is all there is and that you should give up hope! That this way of referring to it makes most people react negatively, dismissively or in a fearfully ignorant way. In addition those who are most affected by this disease think they get a pay-off and so we are left to investigate how they, in their pseudo self-interest, have to design the net of established mentality in a corresponding way, disguising their hidden agenda and its attributes in terms of a policy of personal destruction, PPD. To deal with that "successfully" is an art and requires a science to gain position power! Humanity has just overcome the "evil empire" of Soviet communism. To overcome the basic, truly evil plot in which communism was just a transient phase, requires the extension of genuine science to encompass its pseudo-science in the following way:

1.1 n - personally-neutral DIGUISE

The basic quality of the personally neutral c3-science which black artists make use of is the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which states that a closed system resumes the state of the greatest disorder. In analogy and based on history as well as the Bible, fragmentation and denotational digitalization of human affairs precedes fascism and ultimately chaos. That is why, when the circle of the simplifying c3-science grows larger, black artists have to contain more and more people being affected by more and more of the unavoidable paradoxes of the c3-mentality they have disseminated in order to keep their position power. And that results in a complexity that surpasses the one refuted, that which corresponds to life and its fulfillment. And that is why c3- or pseudo scientists have no interest in genuine progress and today they use more and more resources to idealize chaos to disguise the responsibility which people still associate with their usurped position power. Thus black artists strive for publicity and support each other in mutual admiration societies, so-called symposiums.

Managers who live by their c3-idiology, trend-riders too naive to understand the nature of black art, in consequence have to outsource people for the same purpose, at first mentally by creating stress and then economically by promoting the socialization of the consequences and rest risks of their mismanagement. According to Christoph Murray the associated depression will be the world's second most debilitating disease by 2020 in terms of numbers of years of productive life lost - thus we see   that man-age-rs are worth their pay!

Politicians and leaders who have thus gained tangible power (think of all the measures it takes to contain such man-made sicknesses) had, in the past to create terror (Stalin, Hitler, Saddam) for the same fear of losing control; today more subtle (soft- and peopleware-based) ways are available for the same purpose. Thus the net result in societies dominated by black art is the "successful" substitution of the drive for life-fulfillment with the fear of losing control, which creates its own ruling dynamics.

1.2 H - hardware oriented MATERIALISM disguised as objectivity

Accepting no other basis than the c3-pseudo science, understanding the above mentioned consequences or not, has the ***prize mentioned, cause for fear. Simplifying science to what can be done in fragments and even further to what is possible in the associated trading zones, rather than what C3-science is about; understanding the requirements of life-fulfillment in the basic trading zones between us as Creatures on the one side and the Creator and HIS Creation on the other side, results in meaninglessness. However, once caught in that trap, the trap in itself is sustained artistically because in c3-terms admitting it would be defeating the corresponding pseudo self, which economically speaking means no return on investment. Allowing people to be set free by the truth would be politically incorrect, because making genuine progress in terms of standing for the required orientation towards the lifefulfillment of a many as possible would result in losing too manyt votes after having promised people man-made c3-freedom. Thus black art becomes the procrastination of a thinking catastrophes, e.g. mentally covering up that the emperor is in fact naked with ideals and idols of all kinds. One of the side-tracking tricks is to give more meaning to the trading zones between the different fragments of established communication Ce, than to the whole, the fragments and the traders. The basic ingredients of that magic are denotationally used words, or in Plato's terms ideals, from which c3-position power can be derived e.g. prestigious forms.

Basically there are three zones that need to be divided in order to rule over life-fulfillment by side-tracking from the truth in them to the trading zones between them:

the zone of personally neutral senses and H=hardware instruments,

the personally relevant experiments they allow with P=peopleware (subjectivity such as smartness, necessity and assertion, that deals with objectivity) and

the resulting, content-free theories with the S=software that can be derived from them to manage ones assertions in a c3-manner.

The personally neutral c3-focus thus prepared is aiming at deregulating what is, in favor of what yields power, based on a "mind over matter" philosophy that promises to empower people as subjects to manipulate such objects as citizens, soldiers and consumers. This is the npm, naturalistic, positivistic materialistic approach to life and leads to a social Darwinian evolution of society.

1.3 f - freedom of OPINION and its Ce-dynamic

Once meaning is given to man-made c3-system, substituting C3 which doesn't encourage freedom of opinion (God is not interested in your opinion, but in your life-fulffillment), the second best thing to lifefulfillment, the concept of "freedom", can be disseminated by black artists to gain their freedom from life with their minds. To prove their point, intellectuals promise the replacement of hardware coercion (iron curtain etc.) with their software law and order based on the freedom of opinion and the resulting process of mobbing and mass manipulation. These are games in which everyone is equal until some gain a position, where they are "more equal" depending on their c3-intellectual skill, rhetoric and charisma, e.g. man-made "qualities".

Thus outstanding humans, their managers, system wardens and scribes use the top-down Ce-black art of judging the quality of what precedes man-made progress, in terms of the prevailing software (politically correct argumentation and management). Thus the mind is placed above matter, and opinions above life. The success derived from artistically disguising this f=content-free hidden agenda of pseudo science is achieved when the revolution (implementation of insights and proper science) eats its own children and because of that fear, even scientists can be succumbed to the science politicians desire in the service of maintaining the Ce-system in which they can maintain their position power. Thus happiness in the mass is defaulted upon and today physical means (fittness, drugs, genetic manipulation) are used to pull deviating people back to the norm for contentment/political correctness - thus pain begins to lose any moral or spiritual value it has in terms of a C3-belief.

It seems c3-victory is at hand and c3-displacment of symptoms will succeed the C3-understanding of pain as a personal challenge for a necessary transformation. However, that Pyrrhic victory leads to stagnation and thus self-destructive closed-system, ultimately damnation/hell - the ultimate pain! Therefore it is the "sacred" duty of intellectuals to keep the masses unaware of their destiny untill doomsday so that they can be contained by law and order, and for this "altruistic" Ce-work they deserve the best the world can offer - tangible position power and virtual power (money and fame) until impeached for reserving  inappropriate relationships for themselves...

1.4 S - software CONTAINMENT

Today the software that contains the science of life, biology is fragmented and thus, according to the opinions of pseudo scientists, who conclude that the object of science is fragmented if its science is, life is fragmented q.e.d.

In the Ce of postmodernism life is in fact fragmented with the associated danger of being scapegoated as the cause of fascism by the lifeless intellectuals; once you focus on the cruelty of evolution, you must hate the provider of life and attempt to re-engineer his creation in order to survive it! Thus man-made software has become more important then HIS Word.

Thus the basic C3-facts were displaced by theological interpretations, which in turn were usurped by philosophy and in postmodern time, proper C3-science is usurped by the science of the Ce-history of science, yet another tentacle of Ce-philosophy with its deregulating message: "No human being can be right!". Thus Einstein as a person was just a vitalization of a Pp-annotation in science talk, his relativism relevant in its acknowledgment of the Sf-"anything goes" philosophy (the pseudo substance of pseudo-science), followed up by quantum and chaos talk, and the resulting bomb technology was welcome, because it allows for the ultimate personally-neutral (push button) way to deregulate / destroy hardware (Hiroshima) or annihilate it to get the ingredient of ultimate freedom, abundant energy.

1.5 p - personal con-VICTION (Pyrrhic victory)

When the majority of people is thus convinced that life, without its interpretation by intellectuals is chaos, then people can be p=personally convinced that the purpose of life is not its fulfillment but its reengineering to fit the Ce-, specifically the free market system. Thus Ce becomes a fool-proof operating system for mentality and the Ce-pseudo scientists can derive their position power from being its system programmers (philosophers), coaches (priests), facilitators (politicians), trainers (leaders), operators (managers), and, hopefully even the genetical reengineers or even the organizer of their displacement, for instance by clones, in the name of the common god - there are MIT-professors with substantial budgets who claim that biological life is outdated and claim they will ultimately by able to transfer it to chips. This is as naive as the prevailing opinion, that discontentment is just a matter of feelings and therefore private and that bad feelings are our own fault because we are lacking in positive thinking. And, after all it is still considered a personal matter to turn to mood-altering substances like alcohol and nicotine despite the social costs and despite the fact, that people are not very good at knowing about the impact of their moods, and worse at telling others to cooperate about preventive actions - emotions and violence are more common and carry less of a stigma than the truth - the fact that all this costs a lot of money is less significant than its impact in terms of the threat it poses to the established Hn-Sf-Pp-systems with its loopholes for black art.

1.6 P - OUTSOURCING consciousness to Ce-peopleware

Once the basic c3-operating system (philosophy / Ce-belief) is in place in most people's minds, black artists can then program Ce-politically correct P=peopleware that suit the economy and interest groups. That basically allows most people to be outsourced (all people are equal, but some are more equal) so that they become part of the mass necessary for Ce-manipulation against a potential upheaval of the truth: The more essential individuals become in terms of life-fulfillment, the greater must the mass be to confine their transcending quality by the quantity of the mass to used to mob them. In order to sustain their position power, the eminent elite must come up with the black art to prevent it from being deregulated by new insights, perceiving the potential deregulation of their position power as a revolting danger.

That is why intellectuals end up defending their connotations as denotations, and by perceiving their graves as the monumental completion of life (Faust II), at the point of which black art becomes death technology. And that is of course why God sent his Son to be crucified by them to prove, to those who still have ears to hear and eyes to see, that dead c3-quantity can be overcome with C3-life. And thus a C3-believer will, on his path deregulate c3-philosophy with the C3-truth, in order to allow his or her truly sustainable substance to be fulfilled by putting his or her life in the service of revitalizing Ce in accordance with his or her innate open-ended generative principle, OEGP rather than positioning their ego with ideal forms. And that is why, to the world of black artists, such humans are as much feared as Herod feared the new born King, Jesus Christ, and among others why Luther and Gorbatchev slipped through their net and deregulated just enough of their evilness so that life could go on for YOU to face the rest for the sake of your life-fulfillment...

Thus the bases for a lifefulfilling science cannot be based on idols, forms and their denotations - the Platonic way to misuse words for the hidden agenda of establishing position power. A life-fulfilling basis requires a complete set of OEGPs encompassing all basic walks of human life. Every person has the right to be judged, but only in his or her own right, in terms of his or her life-fulfillment. In an analogy, our alphabet has enough letters so that every subject can give every object a significant name with a noun. In addition every subject, if necessary can be a blamed with adjectives, in order to be able to argue about its manipulative claim in Ce. Thus humans become each others objects / objectives and  the resulting policy is one of personal destruction, PPD consisting of naming - blaming - manipulation - confinement - infotainment! No wonder the basic trust in Ce, e.g. our culture fades away!


Science, in its emancipation from dogmatic religion, did not incorporate its own knowledge in dealing with itself. It is well know in psychology, that you become, on a much more global level, what you want to emancipate from, if you do not want to relate to a substantiality for which you are prepared to invest your life. In the meantime through the ignorance of c3-scientists, who do not consider such lessons in dealing with science, today's mainstream c3-science has surpassed the c3-claims of the medieval church as well as communism. Thus the practice of science has fallen away from its own claims to identify and communicate basic truth and shifted towards tuning into Ce as a reference in order to get bigger budgets and more position power.

When the church tried to misuse humanity in that way, Luther redirected attention to the C3-focus of the Bible and the care for people's life-fulfillment. Similarly Gorbatchev redirected the attention in the former east block countries, from inbred party power games to the real needs for Perestroika and Glasnost. In doing so, both men had to learn to make use of the power structures their c3-enemies had established specifically where their system was becoming self-refuting to the point of self-destructiveness, but before the whole had run completely amok as it happened for example in Ex-Yugoslavia. If the relevant basic C3-questions, are taken seriously, the effort to find answers  will overcome the c3-mentality:

  1. on a content-free, basic level: How can the laws of nature and the associated man-made c3-system and the corresponding manipulation know-how be used with a lifefulfilling C3-attitude, and an appropriate orientation knowledge in the first place? What "golden events" should be referred to and with what persuasive representation? What tradition / peopleware, what pedagogy / software and, what skills and technology / hardware are required in which network? Jesus Christ referred to the church as his body in that context and based on history that network was crucified again and again...
  2. on a personally neutral level: How can the misuse of c3-systems (including Ce-rhetoric) with a c3-mentality, as self-refuting means in itself, be redirected, where it becomes a danger to lifefulfillment? The prime example is how Saul was turned into Paul...
  3. on a personally relevant level: How can pathology be properly differentiated from insights and discoveries to prevent the subtle misuse of the pre-trans-trap? How can the implementation of the C3-belief system sustain attempts to deregulate it through the opinions of c3-freaks, their misguided mobs and the disoriented masses? That question was highlighted when the mass of people in Jerusalem,  hailed Jesus on Palm Sunday, was confronted with choosing between the freedom for either the Son of God or a criminal and the mass, manipulated by the scribes, opted for the latter.

History has shown, what honest people always knew, that science and any mental activity which leaves its practice to be judged by any other forces other than the conscience of the participating scientists and those concerned, will become pseudo science and in its closure a curse rather than a blessing. If we just pass policies and take decisions out of the Ce-moods of masses manipulated by c3-black art and gut feelings, we might find out two weeks later that we have created 500 million enemies and wasted hundreds of billions of Dollars as the World Monetary Found had to admit after provoking the collapse of the Asian markets in 1998.

That is why we need a context of open-ended generative principles, OEGP that embeds the lifefulfilling as well as the evil usage of science, in terms of the consequences in the living space, the energies set free in it and the resources used from its past, non-sustainable resources (such as oil), its present agents and images and its future meaning. It can be demonstrated, that with such a frame of mind integrated by an appropriate applied personal science, the governing relationships can be worked out. This allows us to investigate and model policies and decisions in a harmless realm of computer-aided conscience, the better alternative to outsourcing personal responsibility to the chaotic Ce-process of establishing communication in the collective. The onset of this alternative can begin on the Internet! However, the implementation of the resulting policy of personal lifefulfillment requires a sufficient timely exchange of project-oriented competence between genuine C3-scientists. It seems that   examples of synergy in coping with the fact that parts (drugs) and systems (computers) are cheaper than people and labor, a humanly degrading trend, can only be found among soldiers in combat (there was incredible synergy in the Gulf War), Alcoholics anonymous, and other self-help groups like that of people suffering from depression who organized themselves into "Depression and Anxiety Support Groups" in view of psychotherapy being outsourced to the availability of anti-depressants.

In contrast to the network of intellectuals, who work for a world run by a small "elite" - a group to which  you only get access after dedicating a major part of your life studying dead c3-stuff - everyone has had the basic C3-experience to become effective in fulfilling their life, all you need is to follow your C3-path in truth in view of the fulfillment of your life (John 14:12).
