The b>J>! Real Life Fire Test

experience: X > f > t > S > a > p > I - c3 > C3
awareness : b > J > ! > c > y - c3-deregulation

S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

People give first priority to manageable execution of a X-topic via f>t>S. Then its completeness via a>p>I, is considered. Then the time for a b=balance of what we feel is the 

thing to do in view of the anguish about its consequences we intuitively get in an more conscientious touch with, when execution's time is near, beyond the ftSapI impulses upon which our first approach is based. Here is a first opportunity for redesign if we have, and take the time conscientiously!
S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

Such a balance considers factions outside us for which we thus try to take the responsibility for. This arises the need for our own J=self-justification to those concerned for dividing 

them in order to rule them...

The fact is, every human who has not given in to the psychological gravity and follow his or her of innate path of
 §1 §2 §3 §0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 H1 H2 H3 H4 L1 L2 L3
has each of his modes in one of those 16 mental ports. In my own example, my X=potential to put forth a topic is on B5, e.g. I divide 

bulletpeople whose X is on §1-3,0, B1-4, topics that have no life yet, from those 
bulletwhose X is on H1-4, L1-3, and can thus give hope to what lives up to loving it, while  
bulletdominating those who also have their X on B5.

This looks like everybody is doing a social Darwinian selection in each level at a specific place in the §BHL-development. Thus without C3-awareness of the whole and our meaning to be fulfilled in it, we are indeed all sinners, breaking the whole with our self-justification. Since without C3-conscience, we are at the mercy of c3-arbitrary and chaotic psychological gravity, we just increase entropy! With it, however, we can come to our sense and restore the critical c3/C3 balance conscientiously. In fact c3/C3=STRESS<Death and our self-justification is the tip of the balance!

S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

Since none of us can fully control the c3-application of manipulation know-how of which him or her is concerned with making those responsible consider the appropriate 

C3-orientation knowledge in time and to a sufficient degree, we are at this stage all confronted with our level of !=incompetence which will eventually cause us so much stress, that we die over it. However, before that final confrontation with our !-mode of existence, we get plenty of opportunities to refine ourselves in view of it and learn that there is no fulfillment before overcoming death. Indeed if we shy away from our seeming incompetence, we live in closed X>ftS-hedonist apI-theoretical bJ-self-centered, closed and thus self-destructive system in fear of death before we have lived, in short, in a self-condemned hell, depending on the corresponding dead-end technology to keep it going at the expense of our substance and that of others and the environment. 

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