Transformation with the Decision Matrix©

OK, the spirit of the time moves people through their modes; let us now investigate the challenge that entails in
experience: X > f > t > S > a > p > I - c3 > C3
awareness : b > J > ! > c > y - c3-deregulation
conscience: v > M > R - C3-revitalization on and of
necessity   : h - lifefulfilling platforms

By developing science#3 to the point of modeling all humans with the open-ended generative principles, OEGP that does justice to their lifefulfillment, the personal C3-understanding of one's own X=essence and that of others and  other relevant human systems can be enhanced. This allows lifefulfilling platforms on which they may take responsibility of their own lifefulfillment. The result will be a lean culture which reduces the danger of the c3-MOS conditioning of the past.

Instead of seeking#2 a Platonian form or ideal or an Aristotelian identity for c3-purposes, science#3 introduces the effective dimensions for lifefulfillment to parameterize the essence of the relevant human systems in an operational way on a lifefulfilling platform. This allow to overcome all the mental non-coherence, the resulting frustrating fragmentation (divide and rule) and the arbitrariness and hypocrisy in which the structural and the definition power is executed.
S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y

a p I

them in order to rule them... Without X-transcending outdated c3-identities, people, above everything else, just get a f=feel for the presumptions of the system wardens#2 and the  

expectation of the thus %5-maipulatedcollective. With an operational identity on a lifefulfilling platform, however, the hidden agenda of any undue #2=generalizations becomes transparent for those concerned to feel beyond it in order to asses their personal opportunities for lifefulfillment without having to compete or interfere with that of someone else. When people become emotional it is a sure sign that their feelings reach such an undue limitation! As long as a critical number of participants on a lifefulfilling platform remain coherent in their identity, which supports integrity to their essence, such disturbances can be handled without a system c3-degeneration. It is actually part of some people's lifefulfillment to get proactively engaged with their feelings for just that purpose, similar to the radar on an aircraft carrier...   

In terms of my identity, my X=essence is B5-9Pp (91%) and my f=feeling B1-4Oe:

As I keep witnessing, I try to fulfill my B5=life by Pp=preparing a projects to get an F9=operational overview of what my X=essence of referring to lifefulfillment entails. That make me f=feel my longing to have an opportunity to F4=manage to Oe=establish a corresponding objective, such as in an exemplary lifefulfilling perspective for South Australia. In proceeding I deal with 91% of the complexity involved in the job and are then confronted with 91% all all c3-MOS bearer left behind at their respective level of complexity where they have reached their !=incompetence in terms of the following worldly options 1-5. Thus reaching out leaves any human being with the seeming freedom of choice about the following nine options with more or less predisposition but not free from the corresponding consequences:

A) Giving in to c3-Psychological Gravity

  1. *3=egocentrical reaction to the environment

  2. its emotional enhancement with focused T=tension, A=anger and G=guilt to have wasted the X=essence, its enhancement with technology up to globalization running the risk of global "experiments" that can only be performed once... 

  3. +2/-4=seeking pleasure in it while avoiding pain

  4. %1,5,6=tuning in to the collective to get some position power 

  5. ?0=displaying some virtual reality to cover up some hidden agenda with the former 

B) Following one's innate C3-Path

  1. conscientiously following one's understanding of §1=existence, its §2=social, §3=personal and §0=global implication

  2. witnessing one's B1=believe beyond the B2=breakthrough up to a B3=path, that in B4=truth leads to B5=life's fulfillment

  3. pursuing the H1=hope that the H2=order in which H3=reality is embedded is of a meaningful H4=substantial nature

  4. L1=loving to L2=deregulate with Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence what is required for a L3=global redesign of the way we live together.  

All versions then flow into their rationalizations, but only with versions 6-9 can you do it consistently and with integrity - this others end up in some c3-virtual reality such as theology in hermeneutics; the exemplary attempt to usurp God's imagined power with philosophical arguments...

Transformation via: Rationalization ] Conceptualization ] Fire Test ] Position ] Lifefulfillment ]
in the context of:
