How People get c3-MOS Conditioned...

The spirit of the time moves people in the following way through their modes of
experience: X > f > t > S > a > p > I - short-term pleasure
awareness : b > J > ! > c > y - long-term impotence
conscience: v > M > R - jealousy of others
necessity   : h - stress in a non-sustainable environment

By making all humans begin with a view of themselves and the universe their c3-opinion about the X=essence of what C3-IS becomes the starting point.

To allow people to get a f=feeling of the presumptions and expectations people in this world bring with them before they begin to think for themselves, the spirit of the time encourages them consider the options allowed by science#2. The hidden agenda of #2=generalizations is to open people up for the spirit of time, before they have had a chance to find out who they are in a #3=personally relevant way. That is how children are raised! The pay of is getting access to the collective, content-free science#1 based know-how, the technology and the resources required to have an impact with it. In short, to the degree you qualify#2 you get position power#1 and this begins with getting the bottle when crying the "right" way. 

Then system priests#2 deduce#2 themselves that their system of study, e.g. a c3-man-made set of words in their own right, are essential for the student, and to be highly recommended. This c3-based study, beginning with acquiring language, conditions people with a c3-MOS which is passed on from generation to generation to make them t=think exclusively in terms of controlling objects, commanding subjects and communicating the social Darwinian evolutionary strive for position power. This is taken care of by a corresponding MOS=mental operating system!

People who have given up their personally-relevant view of themselves and the world, e.g. their identity to which they can be response-able can be put under the spell of the spirit of time and they will experience tension while they wrestles to while they wrestles to
make sense of their identity outside it due to fallen man's total inability to understand spiritual truth. In this way punishment applies for S=defocusing from the spirit of the time's %1=political correctness. It is administered by the now internalized c3-MOS and for those who have not enquired it in a socially compatible way, by them getting pre-trans-trapped by the mob of the majority. This requires just a bit of %5=manipulation of the system#2 wardens to get the pre-trans-trap %6=projection across. It makes the point people with a outdated c3-MOS, e.g. a version preceding what is "in" now, must be trapped and punished like criminals, say by not giving them a job or not buying their products. This is easy to justify by the hedonist promise hedonist promise of thus +2=increasing common pleasure and -4=reducing undesirable pain caused by primitives, strangers, foreigners, aliens and coercive enemies of society.    More importantly, people who claim, rightly of wrongly (false prophets) to transcend the spirit of the time with solutions to its problems are an even bigger threat to the system#2 and above all an unforgivable challenge to the *3=egocentric position power of its system wardens and must be prosecuted likewise, with an even higher priority! That requires a superior c3- rhetoric from those who thus must defend the common good by making people believe, it depends o them

The spirit of the time claims that any presumption about oneself and its enhancement with content-free scientific#1 (such as with weapons) or with personally-neutral scientific#2 embellished rhetoric is in itself, at odds with the collective, which it always favors over anybody. In the end, being mortal we are all to be surpassed by it, seemingly immortal! This monopoly of the collective over anybody, a constant threat to ourselves, is used by the spirit of the time to blur our a=intuition as the way the Creator seeks to relate to each of his Creatures and which would, if responded to, update our collectively conditioned c3-MOS with a C3-MOS that can account for the §1=existential reality that we are all Creatures of a Creator in HIS Creation. In fact people with a C3-MOS discovered and conveyed all the science#1 and science#3 laws that allowed genuine progress beyond science#2's c3-presumptuousness which through the resulting thinking catastrophes ended in the corresponding human catastrophes, the objects of study of science#2, similar to a murder who is pulled back to the place of his crime! In short the c3-world is run by mental c3-criminals, sinners who study crimes und who by their studiousness deceive us all beyond our intuition!

If you come to any problem with strong expectations there is a tendency to confirm them. Then you will generally ask questions that relate to the answer you c3-want you will find. Thus any c3-MOS controlled investigation is, up to one's p=perception unavoidably colored by what you are c3-looking for: In short, c3-MOS conditioned people cannot perceive anything beyond c3-%5-manipulated facts and thus jealously try to compete with the perceived manipulators. Thus the true manipulators can put scapegoats on the stage and get away with it as gray eminences...

c3-minded#2 people bend the meanings of texts and what they hear to fit their audience's expectations with their I=concepts to be able to keep and expand their c3-position. This is the onset of the socially c3-closed and thereby self-destructive systems about most people wing. However, at the same time, via their c3-MOS they cannot but become instrumental to the underlying c3-end-technology

The spirit of the time insists, via its associated  %1=political correctness to have to identify marketing methods in analyzing it in order to gain position power in the c3-world. This recipe is put forth to b=balance society, the playground of the c3-spirit; remember you are only of interest as part of the collective. This contrasts to the C3-God who has expressed a personal interest in your lifefulfillment und has encouraged each of us likewise! It is c3-prohets like Hitler who make people hail one collective, one leader, one people! And it scientists#2 like C.G.Jung who c3-invented notions like "collective archetypes", which modern Madison Avenue Marketing strategists and politicians are seeking in their target groups and battle in peoples presumably "empty containers" as which they perceive YOUR mind to balance their budgets...And indeed, most people rather look at their adds than studying this fact this site hurts people's intimacy and should be pre-trans-trapped as a danger to the system#2...don't you better do, or you become a scapegoat too....

Thus the c3-intellectuals focus on sustaining their c3-argumentation, so that they can keep their various wordy  temple. By their very usage in discussions, their words are demeaned by the trend speakers among them. Its simplified remainders then sink down into the media and give rise to worldly struggles up to bloodshed as we know it, say in Jerusalem... The more and the faster that degeneration to short-term news happens, the more do the c3-intellectuals become succumbed to the content-free market forces they set out to overcome with their ideals. This then forces them into J=self justification they once hoped to have for granted and for life by simply being part of science#2. And so, more and more find themselves in the position of "the sorcerer's apprentice"! While the others keep generalizing humanity as a global sorcerers and in George W. Bush, US-President 2001, they have found a useful idiot as an executioner so that they can still wash their hands in innocence! We are almost there... 

The results of the c3-tinking-catastrophe is exactly the kind of human catastrophe the c3-intellectuals present themselves as being the solution for! They have in fact chosen the best disguise to cover up their hidden agenda to lead individuals to their level of !=incompetence, the ultimate guarantee of the c3-%-spirit of the time's monopoly over their souls, e.g. MOS! Thus we are rapidly converging to a society where the dead ones bury their dead ones: Since 1964 sixteen million people were prematurely killed by smoking in the USA alone; more than twice the number the Nazi's killed in the concentration camps...

Don't worry, be happy, embellish your grave and get a handy to c3-relate to others in their graves...and pull as many as you can into your grave to attract global attention and become famous beyond your actual death!

However, if you insist on a total war of yourself against the rest of the world, get a c=profile characterizing who you truly are and what you are really here for; what is a matter of course for the corporate players in the global market. Actually when the Catholic Church, in the 1st wave of globalization had moved most people to their level of utter !=incompetence in view of the almighty Pope Dom, the ravaging wars and the plague, Luther stood up and proclaimed: "Here I stand, I cannot do anything else, God help me".   

The c3-purpose of corporate identity is made unmistakingly clear: Successful managers will not seek independent reason, visions, voices or signs to add information to the corporate culture or to guide them in their examination of it. So why should you not form a similar MOS in view of your lifefulfillment? Why should the company you work for, and the culture you live in have that right at your expense anymore? 

To thus transcend your grave without being pre-trans-trapped you need to do something about a corresponding v=value. After all more and more people are c3-involved into add-on-value creation

why not use their skills to add the value of C3-lifefulfillment to each individual? That would create a totally new market in which most of our problems would find a solution unlike in the old c3-market, that allows people to make a problem out of each symptom by displacing it at the cost of the substance and the future of lifefulfillment

However, instead the spirit of the time is quick to present a more socially compatible value: A thorough familiarity with the market is a necessary goal toward which every managers should strive. 

In fact such M=maximum aspirations and demands, which in fact can never be met, ensures that the spirit of the time eventually also catches up even with reformers! After all, through the support of whom did Luther make it? The German economy in its aspiration to make its maximum profit without the papal interference with the value sucking trade of indulgence. Today that means lean management, deregulation and globalization in its own right.... 

Thus each entity c3-expresses its hidden maximal agenda in its *3=egocentric will to dominate the universe, which stems from the reptilian stem brain. Machiavelli used the c3-intellect to help his Prince, %6-projerction of himself, to get away with it and was tortured for it, when another Prince got the power.

However, the resulting greed in cannibalizing non-sustainable resources has brought humanity at the point of no return from its own self-destruction. The Kyoto-protocol which in 2001 US-President Bush refused to sign, was a feeble attempt to care for some y=minimally sufficient boundary conditions for sustainability. Similarly !-impotent endeavor are made under the heading of "global ethics"; more of the same old game of science#2 trying to c3-succumb science#1, which is not the solution, but the cause of most problems today! 

Having legitimized one's authority over others maximally, one can then set the non-negotiable standard for minimal compliance for sufficiency below which punishment in terms of not getting a position applies: According to this principles, those who pretend to represent a sustainable alternative, say in Green Parties, Greenpeace, Red- and Green Cross, Amnesty International, NGO's etc., had also to go through this c3-dread mill of the spirit of time to get on top of organizations organized still according to ITS c3-principles and were thus c3-MOS conditioned...

Depending whether the thus more pressing cry for a genuine R=solution is yet again channeled into

a resolution#2, more of the c3-same, old wine in new skins, or 

a genuine solution based on the C3-solution after all man-made c3-attempts have turned out to unavoidably end up in human catastrophes

human lifefulfillment has a sustainable future on this planet or not. The fact is, the faculty which in fact should be concerned with this question, theology has utterly failed and become c3-corrupted in an exemplary way for the c3-MOS conditioning of people - despite the Bible's strongest possible warning of such an outcome!

The first thing c3-MOS conditioned people have to relearn is to let his author say what he does say, instead of attributing to him what we think he ought to say.

This requires what the spirit of the time objects more than anything else in hits greedy jealousy, the ability to speak for your true self and to put yourself in the shoes of others to get their message likewise. Interestingly Jesus summed up God's commandment exactly that way in MAT 22, 34-40. In fact people communicate more than ever and yet their ears are not longer to hear each other and their eyes not longer to see the C3-reality but to spot another kick that side-track them from their lifefulfillment.

We cannot but dedicate our lives to something, like the mentioned 14 millions Americans to the blue smoke, the c3-World in its rat race, or the lifefulfillment of as many as possible.

The key word of the Bible is “love” pointing to the C3-lifefulfilling support system. The key words of the spirit of the time change ever faster, now before their denotational meaning#2 is even defined, becoming mere content-free man-made idols! - Nothing else could prove the utter betrayal of science#2 towards humanity clearer for those who have still eyes to see! It is in fact now, in post-normal times, openly justifying itself with its failures and people applaud and politicians spend people's money on it - a modern Ball Temple! 

The underlying MOS Decision Matrix© of the above sequence is the tool to update a person's MOS in a face to face interaction. Precondition for its application and revealing the meaning of the content, in a personally relevant way by a APS® qualified consultant is a complete FEEDBACK.

experience awareness conscience necessity
S: 1D:G 2D/3D:A 3S:T
!: C3-challenge

M: 1S:TG 1D/3S:A greed
h: collective over individual 
t: 2D:T Mo:G materialistic J: fragmenting v: 2S:T 2D:G generalization R: tough to identify
f: Mo:T 3D:G softening identity b: social c: 2S:G 2D:T simplification y: non- negotiable
X: Fa:TAG 1S:A a: C3-chance p: Mo:A 2S:G  I: c3-theory


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