God and/or Return on Investment

by Dr. Peter Meier 
   improvements are encouraged via  aha@think-systems.ch


Why does Theology need Philosophy ?


We don't really need science#2 to tell us!


Who tells us, me - what?

REATURES: When and how should  I consider my inner experience in order to understand or using the know-how to manipulate the world?

CREATION: What would you do with time, if you would get some as a present?

command: What is the point of changing people beyond where they want to go?

control: The handy gives everybody the right to disturb everybody else at any time - where does that converge to?

communication: Love and Time are the most considered topics...are they? Why not?

CREATOR: The considering aspect of living needs to catch up the manipulating...


X > A New Understanding of the World
Applied Personal Science APS® is based on the undeniable fact that as Creatures we need an understanding of our Creator in order to lead an meaningful life in his Creation. If on the other hand we seek an understanding through philosophy we aim in fact for control. If we ask for a philosophy to serve the purpose of philosophy we create a closed, and thereby self defeating c3-system at war with itself. If we ask for a philosophy to understand say the Bible through theology, we are at best promoting communication, at worst produce things like the 30-year war (1618-48) that devastated Europe. If we try to understand the world rather than Creation we strive for control that ultimately leads into virtual reality and the corresponding irrelevance of biological life as is promoted by some respected MIT-professors in Artificial Intelligence based on fear of and ignorance about what life is about.


f > Feel the Implication of Theology
Therefore theology that is not entirely in the service of helping people to change their mentality 
bulletfrom the worldly c3-approach (communicate until there is a way to control others so that they can be commanded with of the linguistic turn), 
bullettowards the C3-attitude that relates to God the Creator accounting for oneself as his Creature in order to follow his path in his Creation truthfully towards a fulfilled life.

It is not in accordance with what Jesus Christ demanded in the Bible, just because it calls itself "Christian". Non creative, personally-neutral, e.g. philosophy based theology#2 can only have the general, hermeneutically  deduced content of the Bible, God's Creation as understood in a quantitative and thus dead, content-free way by science#1 and the nature of his Creatures are described by denotationally wordy science#2 as a personally-neutral reference. 

Such a theology#2 can never deal in any creative, let alone lifefulfilling way with living together as the Bible calls us to do. But it did provide the basis for the way to c3-organize#2 people; a concept that is now the problem for the solution of which it presents itself! It in fact deals with what people can achieve in terms of c3 be it in reality or in virtual reality such as novels or philosophy. The latter is is basically the history of human arrogance and failure to argue independently of God in any sustainable way. The former, the so-called progress, the failure to subdue Earth in any sustainable way.


t > Think beyond Science#2 !
Historically speaking, philosophy relates to what is to be perceived by humans through their sense or using instruments via the thus possible c3-evolution, e.g. ontology rather than C3-truthfully. Similarly human thinking about the cause of the changing of reality, which I shall refer to as "Wirklichkeit" (substantiality) was shaped by the philosophy's epistemoloy and its interpreting hermeneutic rather than by personal conscientiousness

And here comes the trap door; epistemology c3-pretends to deal with the origin, nature and limits of knowledge. In fact it is embedded in philosophy and  deals with its terms of hermeneutic studying the corresponding contingent#2 grounds on which people make c3-claims. It thus pre-trans-traps the basic C3-relationships between essential causes (Wirklichkeit) and their impact to reality! On consequence, by scientists#2 c3-misusing their definition power, in English, there is no appropriate word for what I point to with "Wirklichkeit" and in German that word is now exclusively used as a synonym to "Realität"! It has lead, among others to reducing physics to a chaotic reality mapping. In short, !epistemology is infotaining people's minds into a c3-MOS mindset

S > Defocus from THE Thinking-Catastrophe!

The fact that in languages such as English, French and Italians just to mention the ones I know, reality and what I referred to above with the German word "Wirklichkeit" cannot be adequately expressed, is proof of the pre-trans-trapping reduction of people's MOS implemented by misleading scientists#2! This is a thinking catastrophe and because it leads to human catastrophe, a crime against humanity, may-be the most basic and severe one!

a> External Facts Alone are Deceiving

The fact, that is intuitively obvious,  is that the distinction between what is referred to with "reality", which tends to virtual reality, and what I refer to with the tag "Wirklichkeit" is more fundamental than any distinction between any two things in this universe:

bulletThings and reality can be observed, the "Wirklichkeit", in case of living entities, their substantiality, governs their change in time and space, and in the latter case, their lifefulfillment. Form and composition can only be assumed within certain boundaries with a certain degree of certainty. 
bullet Only scientist who have taken responsibility for some kind of "Wirklichkeit", such as Newton did for mechanics, or believers who have trusted their life to God's word, can really appreciate what I mean here.
p> You have Ears to Hear...
The Bible (MAT 24:35) is quite outspoken about the contingency of c3-manipulated reality: "Heaven and earth will pass away," as well as about the necessary substantiality of "Wirklichkeit": "but my word will never pass away." Of course "God's word" is the prime sustainable "Wirklichkeit" in comparison to c3-"words" spoken by men with a hidden c3-agenda. They are mere virtual realities, sometimes just hot air that dissipate according to thermodynamics to the greatest disorder.

Trying to command, control and communicate within man-made language without reference to any sustainable "Wirklichkeit" is Hellenistic. It is turning away from God. It is, in Christian terms "sin". If it is, pretending to be and competing with "Wirklichkeit" say in rhetoric, again in Christian terms "evil". According to philosophers, you have to struggle with philosophy. According to the Bible you have to struggle with the devil by praying to God, in order to fulfill your life.

I > Conceptualization of one' Choice
So if Jesus Christ was God revealing himself to mankind as a Redeemer, then according to Karl Popper (The Enemy of the Open Society) Plato was the devil making himself known to humanity as the Fragmenter and Aristotle with his sense of identity, the Simplifier.

With his "Forms" Plato fragmented any relationship to "Wirklichkeit" in order to set the scene for "objective" denotational communication. He also reduced the Creator to an imitator of pre-created concepts for that purpose. In this exemplary way he managed to set up the minds of subjects to deal with the denotations given to them in order to structure their minds in the way he considers appropriate to command and control them via communication!

His philosophy in fact used theology as a carrier for this philosophy by c3-suggesting hermeneutic; in fact this is a key concept in genetical manipulation - using virus as carriers and multipliers of manipulated genes...

b > Balancing c3 with C3
Thus Plato was, via %5=mental manipulation a %6=projector of human %1=political correctness up to the c3-MOS conditioning than a problem solver of any kind! For this reason, whenever Athens c3-mixes up with C3-Jerusalem, e.g. when Christians identify with Plato's Forms rather than with the C3-Revelation of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, there are man-made problems that causes symptoms which gives rise to suffering through sin, C3-deviation.

At this point humans are tested whether they attempt to just displace the symptoms with non-sustainable human c3-power or whether they endure in their suffering until they can C3-understand the underlying problem in terms of conflicting substantialities and can come up with a solution based on sustainable, God-guaranteed "Wirklichkeiten" such as the laws#1 of nature (physics) or the law#3 of life-fulfillment (such as pointed to in the Bible).  

J > Sustainable Self-Justification

Having achieved a sense of balancing life, it is important to know that 

bulletin the reptilian like stem-brain humans have a device that in a reactionary way helps them to get rid of symptoms by treating them like an enemy. 
bulletIn the mid-brain we share with mammals, people can asses problems in terms of them leading to pleasure or to pain and are thus drawn towards short-term gratification and away from enduring.
bulletOnly in the frontal lobes of the specifically human cerebrum can humans assess solutions in terms of more or less sustainable "Wirklichkeit" correspondingly as "right" or "wrong" in view of a lifelong perspective of lifefulfillment.  

Thus, the c3-approach, the wisdom of this world, is a technology to, neuronally speaking establish the rule of the mid-brain in people's heads and that was the true purpose Plato as a person of his time had in mind according to Popper. He was interested in a technology to domesticate his fellow people to re-establish the kind of c3-oligarchy he was used to, before Athens became %-democratic. Based on that historic fact, Popper referred to the rest of the philosophy as a footnote of Plato and this includes Marxism and the Nazi ideologies as well as Jung's' archetypes. ..all man-made c3-ways of self-justifications!

On the other hand, Jesus Christ's intention with his C3-life, neuronally speaking, was to allow people to make full use of what we are given as Creatures. That can only mean conscientious awareness and responsibility in the cerebrum, unhampered with by "mammalian" and "reptilian" temptations or seductions by our fellow humans. The c3-MOS mainstream mentality on the other hand, as further footnotes of Plato, rather than as disciples of Jesus, makes people want to interpret things in a c3-way to gain position power in the world over others. To overcome the past tampering of ourselves and others in our neuronal c3-make-up, Jesus offered a path of redemption of our mid-brain (healing pain) and regeneration of our stem-brain will to not just survive in our ego, but to actually fulfill our lives in God, who alone, as our Creator, can provide us with and sustain an appropriate self-justification
! > c3-Impotence / C3-Sustainability
Philosophy asks absolute questions, but rules out sustainable answers and instead c3-argues about that which exceeds our power. 

Applied Personal Science APS®  basically asks one questions: What is required for enhancing the life-fulfillment of as many as possible? And it encourages answers to that question that are practically applicable, personally relevant and scientifically reproducible for C3-willed people

Based on this question, it is irrelevant why the world is, as it is, the relevant question is how it really is now and what "Wirklichkeiten" determines its future and what options do we have to given meaning to  those relevant "Wirklichkeiten" in view of the lifefulfillment of as many as possible!

c > Gaining an OEGP Profile beyond Idols

The answer to Lifefulfillment cannot be

bulletcontent-free#1 like most political talks aiming at position power or 
bulletpersonally-neutral#2 like philosophies and most sermons aiming at mass mind conditioning. 

They have to 

bulletaddress the personally relevant#3 problems of those present rather than 
bullethelp to merely displace and avoid the associated c3-symptoms and having to be straight about their cause... 

Applied Personal Science APS®  is not a content free science#1 like natural sciences or a personally neutral science#2 like the humanities. As science#3, it deals in 1728 personally relevant open-ended generative principles, OEGP up to their corresponding neuronal set-up that allows interested humans to understand themselves and others in a C3-way. This allows growth by living one's insights to their fulfillment rather than to be interpreted by others (giving meaning to c3-opinions).  

Mere opinions followed up lead to dead-ends that allows no cerebrum growth just a stem-brain excitation and at best a lustfil acid production in the mid-brain; the kind of kick, most people are addicted to, seemingly the 2nd best in live short of fulfilling it.

Thus people stay c3-MOS domesticated to whoever rules the collective - just watch the mammal approach of most adds and the media as well as the curriculum of more and more educational institutions and the procedures in more an more governments, which are more concerned to avoid mobbing to keep their power structure than to develop their people's cerebrum; when did you use it last, when were you appreciated for it???

v > Presumptuous Values
We cannot know#2 God in the reality of his essence other than what was revealed to us in the Bible. But we can personally relate to him in the "Wirklichkeit" in the way he relates to us through ours - which in science#3 terms is via the mental port corresponding to a=intuition.

Similarly we cannot know the reality of "Wirklichkeit" (say what makes the law of gravity impact) but only acquire certainty based on its impact say in an experiment. According to Genesis God created the Creation generously, therefore it has a beginning and is not God. The same is generally true

bulletfor "Wirklichkeit" in respect to reality, and
bulletfor our inner neuronal make-up in terms of the MOS=mental operating system, in respect to what we thus %6=project into the world 
bulletas within the head, so outside the head, in the c3-world...

Thus reality mapping, e.g. something which we fully comprehend, is a sure indication that it is inadequate, e.g. at best an illustration of a present state but not of its future potential for cause and impact. An yet philosophy is supporting psychology to base itself on human opinions expressed in the closed system of the established, denotational way to think and speak. It wastes its, and thereby those people involved one, with c3-questions about what C3-is!

This can only lead to thinking catastrophes such as all the wars and say the "Challenger Disaster", which was not an accident as it was c3-presented by the media, but an act of outrageous mental arrogance by the NASA managers. Their basis was a philosophy of managing by budgets rather then scientific common sense. On similar grounds, Jesus was crucified because he disturbed the managers of the time, the Pharisees in their closed-system philosophy based on dead words.

According to Nietzsche, the reason for all evil is inadequate knowledge. According to physics and common experience with neglected things. The reason of all disorder are closed-systems. According to the Bible, sin is mentally c3-turning away from the C3-God and his "Wirklichkeit" towards some man-made real or virtual reality and its %5-maipulation such via ideals and idols. 

Philosophy, theology and Applied Personal Science APS® are therefore to be judged towards the C3-measure stick and never by their own way of self-justification or the organized opinions of some majority who all to often cries "crucify him" on Good Friday! Remember, whoever refuses to go along with the c3-hopes of Palm Sunday and keeps integrity towards a C3-mission, is pre-trans-trapped a few days later...such are the fruits of every mental activity#2 up to and even exemplary, theology#2!


M > Maximum - Alternative to Philosophy
We experience 
bulletour interactions with the environment first in our electrifying ultra short-term memory as a command reactions (up to 20 sec of excitation),
bulletin view of its social implications in the short-term memory that is based on acid production that controls our mood in a time frame of 20 min. up to 2 days and
bulletin view of our C3-nature, unavoidable in our mortality, constructively in the life-long-term memory that consist of protein based neuronal links through which our internal communication runs.

Rather than mentally fragmenting Creation based on Plato's Forms into the assembly of forms which we call "world", the aim of this site is to integrate the three basic types of human interactions with our neuronal make-up in a corresponding c3-MOS that does justice to our personal laws of lifefulfillment as a human Creatures

Let us look what is now c3-availabale to fulfill our lives with. In fact this question points to what science#2 should be all about: Making c3-things available for lifefulfillment without presuming it for any other hidden agenda! The maximum we can do about that is to aim for lifefulfilling platforms#3 in order to overcome outdated organizations#2 with.

y > Minimal Mental C3-Basics

In view of today's existing complex global systems such as the Internet, the financial system and the economy,

bulletwe need a world view that does justice to humans personally as Creatures
bulletwith their corresponding neuronal make-up,
bulletspecifically in terms of what we now know about the brain parts (stem-, mid-brain and cerebrum) and
bulletthe memory systems (ultra fast-, short-term and long-term memory) - which Plato, and most od his disciples who designed the still prevailing MOS did not know and those who maintain it today, do not want to know... 

Such scientific consideration have to complement and where necessary overcome outdated epistemological c3-arguments. With Applied Personal Science APS® this is possible and in addition, the Bible and among others the ten commandments find their meaning in the proposed view of the world and humans. Unlike science#2, which suppresses any reference to the Bible, science#3 is accounting for what the Creator has revealed to us by making sense of it in terms of what we can understand: Remember, whoever suppresses references to the Bible, will also pre-trans-trap your creativity; such a person has c c3-MOS which is impotent to deal with C3-creaticity and thus lifefulfillment! Search for such words on the Internet to find out, who in fact deals with it and how!  

in aiming to / give  with the
means of 
tiated by
power Creature enforce command stem-brain
forms Creation accept control mid-brain
content Creator meaning communicate cerebrum

And last but not least the world view promoted here has to be in terms of the possibilities we have in his c3-World, to 

B=setting up boundary conditions for our activities,
P=process responsibility,
O=object management,
C=communication and for each aspect
  p=preparing yourself to
  w=working out forms,
  m=multiplying them in order to
  e=establishing them in people's mind and in
     the collective.

R > Resolution

Amazing as it sounds, 

bulletthe above three ways to making an impact by executing power, making forms and providing content
bulletat first glance ("thanks" to our philosophical c3-MOS domestication) seemingly incomprehensible and non-compatible aspects of human existence
bulletfit perfectly together (as every genuinely believing Christian would know)!

In contrast to C3-jealous c3-philosophy the solution presented her is not a fragmenting but a unifying approach that conscientiously accounts for what is known to be essential for life-fulfillment.  

h > Living Space
It allows humans to define themselves in an open way (cradles). This allows a growing awareness rather than inviting other to interpret each other with prejudices. This overcomes a otherwise confined and confining life in closed-systems (coffins), exemplified in the New Testament by the Pharisees. 

Any world view and understanding of humans that does not contain the essential personal OEGP quality in terms of C3 such as human and psychological c3-descriptions merely tagging with words, cause more fragmentation and thereby problems and pain than they are worth the effort.

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in the context of Usurpation: