The c>v>M Aspiration for a Position

experience: X > f > t > S > a > p > I - c3 > C3
awareness : b > J > ! > c > y - c3-deregulation
v > M > R - C3-revitalization on and of

S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

Having a=intuitively updated f in b-awareness of the required c3/C3 balance, t in J-exposing oneself at the tip at one's own balance the time has come to consider one's  c=character with   

an appropriate profile.Thus the way out of the stalemate in one's !-grave of impotence is to relate one's f=felling to one's p=perception, doing that reveals one's character. It determines the comfort zone beneath which one get
TAG-emotional or *3-coercive, -4 negative or +2 over the top excited,  and above which on gets %1-correct, %5-manipulativ or %6-politically projecting and/or ?0-virtual. This then determines where one becomes a c3-pre-trans-trap operator, who denies, suppresses and inhibits lifefulfillment to seemingly enhance the own one...
S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

A profile that gains a certain amount of acceptance becomes a  v=value, a standard way to t-reflect upon p-perception. This way individual t-S think-systems are embedded into

social value system. We are now at the critical juncture where people in a science#2 way default to c3-collective games. The results are ideals which are supposed to allow people to overcome the temptation to make *3-egoistic usage of science#1's technology, say as criminals, and leave the collective the power monopoly. Such games, however, such as that of the "free market" follow rules aimed at making the collective superior to people's lifefulfillment and reduce people to c3-players. The basic all-game, which generalizes people into beginning with a view of themselves and the universe, c3-philosophy internalizes its rules into people's MOS and thus gets away with its thinking-catastrophe of attempting to usurp God's power. In this way even "god", the man-made one, is reduced to play by the man-made rules in which there are thus just losers of their lifefulfillment. From then on it is a small step to scapegoating and human sacrifices; the Old Testament deals with overcoming the corresponding mentality! 
S ! M h
t J v R
f b c y
X a p I

Trapped in a c3-game, the aim of the game is to get the M=maximum out of it, which leaves losers and short-term winners. The New Testament is a report how that dead-end game 

can and was overcome; by loving your neighbor as yourself. Only this C3-attitude, leads, with a corresponding C3-MOS which supports it in a personally relevant, e.g. science#3 way, to the the genuine maximum in life, lifefulfillment of as many as possible. This leaves us with the task to find out the laws of lifefulfillment by which those concerned can achieve it on a corresponding platform#3. In the existing world that requires reengineering round tables#1 to turn them into  organizations#2 which can parameterized so that its participants can interface it according to their personal laws of lifefulfillment which allows them to redesigning organizations#2 into lifefulfilling platforms#3. This is the sustainable way to love your neighbor as yourself. In this way the c3-rat race of aspiring positions of power can be transcended with something far better, an individual interface to a lifefulfilling platform that does justice to one's potential for C3-lifefulfillment. So you want to make sure, that you are not becoming a trans-trapper in fear of this solution, an attitude which the Bible, in MAT 12:31, calls "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit"; un unforgivable sin! And indeed, it is a brand mark of c3-MOS and can thus not be overcome by c3-MOS bearers thus condemning themselves to never be part of the solution.

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