1b) Laws must Address some Belief to find Compliance

So in the B1-belief that there is more to life than merely fighting against appearance falling into dust, humans began to


make things that survive them such as idols, some of which were turned into symbols to say point to the stars, content-free things beyond our reach to which some magic power was attached...  


founded collectives around some personally-neutral ideal and made them superior to the individual's life, 


having received the word of God: MAT 5:18 I assure you, until heaven and earth disappear, even the smallest detail of God's law will remain until its purpose is achieved, founded religions


and in modern times, began to discover the self sustained laws of nature. 

Having thus discovered greater powers than that of one's own emotions and the group dynamics of one's fellow Creatures, some outstanding individuals were tempted: In their egocentric attempt to be godlike, they B2-broke through to their fellow humans with a corresponding identification with a higher power. It all began with 


simplifying things to fit the present images of the mass and the need to control things to please them - up to sacrificing scapegoats, ultimately genocide...


generalizing individuals as people into a collective in order to command them through their thus conditioned minds and to infotain them,


distorting concepts about reality and substantiality so that they communicate in themselves, in the common rhetoric to others to gain a reputation and not so much to convey any truth...

The corresponding B3-path of humanity is outlined in the Bible and recorded in history. It has lead on the one hand to


the postmodern science#0 of simplifying the chaos caused by instrumentalizing the content-free modern science#1 of nature by the personally-neutral humanities, science#2, which would otherwise be too hard to bear. This is, however, at the loss of the opportunity to develop


the personally-relevant science#3 outlined here: With people do not have to deny their created identity and thus lack coherence so that the world looses its meaning and is made to approach the complexity of dust - chaos - hell

This brings us to the question of the B4-truth by which a human being is qualified to display authority in the realm he or she can administer coherently. However, in pretending the truth to be unpleasant, people follow their wishful thinking and ask for leader who acknowledge them best. They, intellectuals, then make the expressions of  the §- basics fit the mass's images and this makes our lives in the end more complicated than it needs be to fulfill it along the path dealing with the truth.

This confronts us, in its consequences, with the underlying mentality by which we B5-relate to substantiality and its innate order. Alternatively they need to sublimate the corresponding stress and frustration, which drive the old economy rises. Among others


more than 4 millions people get killed every year from smoking and the brain washing to balance polluting lungs continues in the name of the simple concept of freedom of speech.


getting AIDS under control would require only about 1% of the world's military spending, but the situation deteriorates and military spending increases.


In 2001 President George W. Bush sublimates global pollution with the promise of a greedy economy.

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