1e) A Genuine Conclusion is Sustainable - and in Time

The Gateway for a perspective to a lifefulfilling future requires a personally relevant science#3, that allows to work out the laws of lifefulfillment for the human system (of course "system" here has the connotation of a open-ended generative principles, OEGP and not of any man-made system) we are and those we are part of, and interfacing them on lifefulfilling platforms.

A first content-free example of a lifefulfilling platform is the way the text is colored here: The aim is to make the reader

·        use the content-free symbols to

·        understand the personally-neutral content of words and sentences and

·        then relate that understanding in a personally-relevant way to his or her own life experience to get an understanding of the meaning of what properly used communication points to.

·        Honest people then become aware, where their mental operating system cannot adequately cope with this kind of human information processing and can then consider updating their mental operating system.

·        Others prefer to argue, compete and make war instead of love; mental dust in hot air…

In short, The Desirable Gateway worth pursuing for any human system such as South Australia to a New Economy or YOU personally, is a platform / mental operating system with the CREATOR (not just the word "God", "you", "yourself", "your partners in a business", and "the stakeholders" , but the innovator's self too) IN IT

The answer to our deepest question about How to fulfill our Lives, is not "more of the same", myths, empty words, arguments, struggles for superior survival, polarizing uncertainty etc.

It is in fulfilling certainties in insecurity such as to the reaction of others to who we are when we expose ourselves with it, and then face the genuine uncertainty squarely. This requires allowing the Creator into our mindset - with open-ended generative principles - rather going along with what will be revealed to maintain man-made orders; pre-trans-trapping what and who is creative, e.g. crucifying the problem solvers and the solutions into ineffective collective archetypes, words, prejudices and myth:

·        Instead we need to unlearn grasping and mucking around in words, mere container of denotational opinions, and ,

·        for a desirable future we need to learn dealing with the forms of effective expressions provided by science#2 up to those of art, and Form- and DisseminationProviding Informatics, as pointers to what matters


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