1g) The Missing Link: Mental Operating Systems

Looking at a comprehensive survey (a representative socio-psychological study of 1003 individuals in Switzerland), I found no outstanding evidence that the §1,2,3 realms of


content-free (socio-demographic) facts about people's life, 


their personally-neutral psychological attitude (expressed in the psychological map of Switzerland and its evolution since 1974) and 


their personally relevant meaning of life

are in any significant way statistically correlated. However, in fear of a higher level c3-MOS bearers (people whose MOS=mental operating system can just deal in controlling objects, commanding subjects and communicating their limiting respons-ability) seek the solution on a lower level - thus in vain: If politics fails with diplomacy#2, then, so far, according to Machiavelli, humankind resorts to other ways, war with weapons#1. If people's c3-MOS does not allow them an emphasis on lifefulfillment#3, they resort to useless discussions#2...


No matter what vocation you are in, the necessity to come up with C3-based innovations (accounting for the only coherent explanation of existence in terms of being Creature of a Creator in HIS Creation) arises. I allows open-ended generative concepts and an idea of the principles by which humans can make a difference to go beyond what fragments ourselves. This is the lifefulfilling alternative to c3-toddling along the path trampled by others. Those norms who c3-toddle may be a content lot but never achieve their full potential that way...


While taking bold steps it is necessary to be wary of the pitfalls on self and others.


Taking the path of violence and subtle coercion instead has become a common and easy choice. Its consequences have become sickening for those who envisage a world of fulfillment.


After centuries of waging wars of all sorts, which have killed or maimed hundreds of millions of people and already destroyed much of nature, mankind has to begin looking for a better way of living together.


What we have been reacting to, race, religion, customs etc.; mere transient appearances, must in its form become a thing of the past to be overcome by understanding each other's fulfillment potential.


It is time we deregulate c3-weapon systems and revitalize possible lifefulfilling platforms.


That requires leaders duty bound to the genuine interests of not just of "their" people, but to the lifefulfillment of as many real individual human systems as possible; individuals like YOU and me, relationships, teams, organizations, nations and cultures.


However, the power leading the mainstream, the USA is embarking on a path too much traveled in its bid to attain the glory of becoming the most c3-powerful nation ever behind the protection of an anti missile defense system...


All that path needs is a technical glitch or some crazy fighter pilot or politicians, to get the weapon systems going against each other, globally and finally...

This wordy excursion was to demonstrate that we cannot solve man-made problems with numbers and words alone, for that addresses only its content-free and personally neutral aspects. Any combinations of mere words and number is NOT really applicable to what each of us personally requires to deal with lifefulfillment in a respose-able, e.g. scientific way.


Thus science#3, Applied Personal Science APS®, has become an unquestionable MUST to face the major challenge of this century! The following is outlining why, what it entails and how it is to be used specifically in view of a perspective for South Australia and those involved.


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