1i) The World's Offer for you

Science#3 has revealed that in a c3-world dominated by c3-MOS the following services have the highest success potential in the following rank order:

  1. Manageable L3<§1>§2 excuses for having to face the challenge of life such as George W. Bush's energy policy... 

  2. Dare devil experiential "learning" promising L3<§1>§2  approaches up to making war - behind a anti-missile defense shield.  

  3. Whatever promises to realize people's L3<§1>§2 dreams from sects to global mobility, drugs, entertainments etc.

  4. Scapegoating §1<§2>§3 prejudices which allow substantiating the above, at all cost...

In fact these 4 out of 144 stages of life attract 51% of to total success potential and thus structure the world as we know it. The correspond c3-psycho-logic#2 offers the following advice to appease people to their resulting misery and fear, which makes them not want to fulfill their lives. Just check it yourself - search for "lifefulfilling" on the Internet: 


Not wanting to in Fear of Worrying about
L3-redesign the global order, getting in touch with §1-existence, its §2-social consequences?
get in touch with §1-existence, its §2-social consequences, the §3-personal consequences?
work out §2-social consequences, knowing the §3-personal ones, the §0-global long- term impact?
deal with YOUR §3-personal issues, understand the §0-global ones, unsubstantiated  B1-believes?
deal with §0-global implications, a convincing  B1-belief, the necessity of a B2-breakthrough
express a genuine   B1-believes, tangible proves for a B2-breakthrough, having to find and go a  B3-path?
achieve a tangible  B2-breakthrough, having mapped your B3-path, having to deal with the B4-truth?
go YOUR B3-PATH with integrity, having sufficient B4-TRUTH about it, of fulfilling your  B5-LIFE?
get sufficient B4-truth about,  having access to B5-life it fully,  a more pressing H1-hope?
get YOUR  B5-life fulfilled,  a promising H1-hope, the H2-order you know?
convey meaningful H1-hope, understanding the H2-order it takes, the H3-reality of this world?
implement a H2-order, the power  over the  H3-reality, the H4-innate laws of substantiality?
exercise power  over H3-reality,  knowing the H4-innate laws, L1-loving the essence?
model and convey H4-innate laws,  L1-love for the respective entity, the L2-will to do what it takes?
L1-love entities in their essence, L2-understanding  what it takes, the need for global L3-redesign?
L2-understand  what it takes, being aware of a global L3-redesign, sustaining fulfilling §1-existence
get timely global L3-redesign, endangering actual §1-existence, the §2-social consequences?
frontline challenge blessing


You may claim a lack of


L3<§1>§2 - Intelligence: Psychology point out that such people lack the spiritual ability and can hardly be helped - for bridging L3 to §2 is not in the interest of science#2! The advice is to surround yourself with smart intellectuals, system wardens; to unlearn your urge to suggest L3-redesigning the established way to deal with §2=the social implication of human existence.


§1<§2>§3 - Focus: It is suggested that if you do not have a politically correct goal in life, you cannot hope for a success in this society.

§2<§3>§0 - Ambition: The economic imperative says, if you are ambivalent about what you get somewhere in life or not, not prepared to sell yourself in the market with all your heart and skills, your chance to ever achieve anything are minute.

§3<§0>G1 - Conditioning: Thinking to much by yourself, you did not learn the lessons in school your way supposed to learn; to fit in to compete in a social Darwinian way. You are told that you can always catch up on what you have thus missed - with lifelong learning... 

§0<G1>G2 - Discipline: The ideal is the ability to get rid of all socially non-compatible qualities yourself, for only those who can control themselves can control life. mastering yourself is projected to be the precondition to comnand others and then is when your success multiplies...

G1<G2>G3 - Endurance: If your vitality and health is reduced, you cannot achieved much in life. You are told that this is often due to a lack of self-discipline - say in terms of psychosomatics or when you follow some addictions...but wait, what is economy thriving on? 

G2<G3>G4 - Education: Some of your childhood experiences might be the cause for some of your asocial behavior and failures on the job - you might consider consulting a psychologist...   

G3<G5>G5 - Procrastination: Most people who are non-achievers keep waiting for the "right" moment - in fact your life is a sequence of rights moments - seek a coach to learn to find out... 

G4<G5>>H1 - Sense of Achievement: You might give up too soon and give in to something easier rather than sticking to your goals even when it gets tough. Learn to unlearn the word "impossible" and then everything becomes c3-possible...never mind that you then are no longer able to discern the corner stones from the stumbling block and remove them all in your life...

G5<H1>H2 - Character: You might alienate your fellow humans through they way you are, then they will not support you. The power over them is a necessary condition for success, so you might consider compromising in order to motivate them to go along with your success potential.  

H1<H2>H3 - Luck: You might dream of the luck to become rich and end up losing what you have in gambling. Remember, opportunity requires preparation to harvest it. So do not just dream, think positive and go for it.  

H2<H3>H4 - Decisiveness: Successful businessmen and lovers make on the spot decisions and retreat from them only after due consideration. People who decide only hesitatingly and change their minds often, are bound to fail. Indecisiveness and a lack of willpower have to be overcome as a liability and to be replaced with abilities to remain up market

H3<H4>L1 - Initiate: You might live in fear of what you have for you cannot keep up with it. Remember, to be courageous does not mean to have no fear but to overcome it for what one likes to achieve. Learn to value what you want more than the fear to loose... 

H4<L1>L2 - Harmony: A lacking balance between give and take is the prime cause of failures in relationships for you waste yourselves in the daily struggles and arguments without the chance to overcome them in your irritation and frustration

L1<L2>L3 - Foresight: You take not risk and thus risk everything, your lifefulfillment with love - and your competitors outmaneuver you! Beware of the extremes on either side; ride the trend in the middle ground....

L2<L3>§1 - Destiny: Your background and your environment might just not be adequate or as we know it is for an increasing number of people on Earth, detrimental. Bad luck, wait for heavens or the next reincarnation or, as the gurus, learn to meditate in bliss, on a pile of shit and if you have the means, escape into virtual reality. 


The new c3-"consciousness" of this world demonstrates itself as follows...Would you trust your child's MOS to it?

Inclusiveness: reflecting a universality of outlook.
Relationship: knowing that all men are one in essence.
Balance: producing clear and unbiased thought.
Realism: accepting facts and things as they are.
Initiative: promoting change toward what ought to be through acceptance of personal responsibility.
Creativity: transcending personal ambition, the mind is free to receive inspiration and perceive new ideas.
Love of truth: conceding that all truth is partial and relative, that there is no "absolute" or "only" truth, constantly expanding mental horizons can synthesize all facets of truth wherever found.
A sense of values: realizing that the values of the past are inadequate to the quality of human life to be evolved today. The power and the prestige of possessions have no value in the light of today's material abundance.
A sense of social justice: realizing that the struggle for freedom and the equality is the root cause of most social problems in the world.
The "old fashioned virtues": recognizing these as the timeless, fundamental, spiritual bases on which human progress has eternally depended. These include selflessness, love, compassion, duty generosity, industry or joy in work, trust and trustworthiness, personal integrity, dedication and commitment to group good and the capacity for steadfast, resolute action. Essentially, therefore, "new consciousness" is a new revelation of
the soul in man manifesting its spiritual energy through the affairs of daily life
as responsibility and service."


and explicitly addressing the collective#2, not YOU:


As we begin the new millennium, we face the fact that materialistic values have led humanity to a state of profound crisis. Our very survival is threatened, not only my militarism, but by our lack of wisdom and will to feed the hungry, to share our plentiful resources, and to solve the many
As we begin the new millennium, we face the fact that materialistic values have led humanity to a state of profound crisis. Our very survival is threatened, not only my militarism, but by our lack of wisdom and will to feed the hungry, to share our plentiful resources, and to solve the many other critical problems which confront the human family.

Yet the solution exists. One of the greatest insights of our time is that of the interdependence and interrelatedness of all life. Today millions of people share the conviction of an inner spiritual unity within humanity which transcends any outer differences of race, nation and creed. As men and women of goodwill the world over give expression to this conviction in their lives, a process of planetary transformation is taking place. A new civilization is emerging which embraces all peoples and is founded upon the recognition of our common humanity and right human relations.

The world's problems are of humanity's making and they are for humanity to
solve. But the essence of the spiritual life lies in knowing that we are not alone. The energies of divinity are abundantly available and, on World Invocation Day, an appeal is made for the release of the energies which will enable humanity to create the new civilization.

Today (June 4, 2001) the reappearance of the World Teacher is expected by millions, by
those of every faith who expect the Avatar under such names as the Christ, the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Imam Mahdi and the Bodhisattva. The use of the Great Invocation is one of humanity's most potent tools in preparing human consciousness for the reappearance of this World Teacher.

...Consciousness is one, yet produces the varied forms of the many...


Or its economic version: So good-bye for now, right on top on some multi-level marketing scheme.... 

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