1d) Acknowledgement must be Genuine to be Loved
Humans identify with what they L1-love in order to foster its, his or her fulfillment. Personal and cultural identity is now replaced by the corporate identities of global players; and they identify with the brand marks of what they in turn stand for. When the leaders fail as they now do at this demanding age, the brand marks of what one consumes is what remain for other-determined people to identify with; mere virtual idolatry is restored from which the human intellect pretended to evolve in its own right!

Thus the most efficient simplifiers and generalizing generals and managers are now driving the content-free social Darwinian set up of the "free" market to satisfy that need and through it the value greedy share holders. These men have sex appeal and thus hook the women, some of which learn the lesson from them fast! In the New Testament they were described accurately as the Pharisees - they invite you to dinners to assess you. The nicest ones of them offers you a grave if you fail the benchmark, while the fiercer ones have you mobbed and crucify you to keep their positions and their hands clean, for they themselves have to prove that they can meet the benchmark. And that is possible for Dr. Faust for w while, when he sells his soul - what that really means will be worked out on this site very precisely. Understanding it is actually the onset for the gateway to lifefulfilling platforms... 

To get there, first things have to come first so that we do not get stuck at our front line, cut of from our substance, no longer really even qualified to work at our level (Peter Principle). The we need to proceed with L2=Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© ,   which requires some L1-loving relationships in a world which does not allow that level and has all sorts of means to sidetrack you.

We now know, that if the corresponding confrontational posture were to persist, the last state of the world will be worse, more fragmented and disordered than the first, e.g. all we would achieve is to have entropy increased , e.g. speeded up the devil's work...

Since Plato, via philosophy,

·        the underpinning of theology, with it,

·       the understanding of history, through educational institutions and through the media that of politics,

·        and in the post-modern time through the history of science even that of science#1, is merely instrumentalized by science#2 to bolster hidden agendas and the corresponding power positions!

The so-called c3-MOS mental operating system, the mindset which thus evolved as the basis for globalization, is now leading humanity into a system closed by the content-free economic imperative.  

The c3-worldly trend highlights the necessity for individual lifefulfillment to culminate in a contribution for L3=global redesign of the lifefulfilling perspective for life on Earth. As Creatures of the Creator, in his Creation, humans seek guidance in applying their c3-know-how in a personally satisfying way that can hopefully be scientifically turned into a platform for a "better" way to live together than in c3-systems that close on themselves. This view is congruent with the leading edge science#1 knowledge which provides absolutely not basis for the science#2 myths such as

·      that of evolution and its

·      non-sequiteur, social Darwinism and

·        the corresponding distortion of chaos theory towards evolving into an "anything goes" post-normality of the spirit of our times…

This line of thought into thoughtlessness is merely an American fundamentalist version of a mixture of New Age pop culture, fundamentalist Buddhism and guru Hinduism!  

You see, their is plenty of scope for F3-redesign to allow your lifefulfillment too - if you so decide...


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