1h) YOUR Bottleneck - that is also MINE

In terms of the above introduced mental ports and the basic challenge life puts on the mental operating system each of us is confronted with one of the following bottlenecks to his or her lifefulfillment and the corresponding consequences upon others and the living space Earth: 


How do you without in view of
L3-redesign the global order, being in touch with §1-existence, its §2-social consequences?
get in touch with §1-existence, its §2-social consequences, the §3-personal consequences?
work out §2-social consequences, knowing the §3-personal ones, the §0-global long- term impact?
deal with YOUR §3-personal issues, understand the §0-global ones, unsubstantiated  B1-believes?
deal with §0-global implications, a convincing  B1-belief, the necessity of a B2-breakthrough
express a genuine   B1-believes, tangible proves for a B2-breakthrough, having to find and go a  B3-path?
achieve a tangible  B2-breakthrough, having mapped your B3-path, having to deal with the B4-truth?
go YOUR B3-PATH with integrity, having sufficient B4-TRUTH about it, of fulfilling your  B5-LIFE?
get sufficient B4-truth about,  having access to B5-life it fully,  a more pressing H1-hope?
get YOUR  B5-life fulfilled,  a promising H1-hope, the H2-order you know?
convey meaningful H1-hope, understanding the H2-order it takes, the H3-reality of this world?
implement a H2-order, the power  over the  H3-reality, the H4-innate laws of substantiality?
exercise power  over H3-reality,  knowing the H4-innate laws, L1-loving the essence?
model and convey H4-innate laws,  L1-love for the respective entity, the L2-will to do what it takes?
L1-love entities in their essence, L2-understanding  what it takes, the need for global L3-redesign?
L2-understand  what it takes, being aware of a global L3-redesign, sustaining fulfilling §1-existence
get timely global L3-redesign, endangering actual §1-existence, the §2-social consequences?
frontline challenge blessing


Whoever pretends to not understand where his or her challenge is, is part of the problem of the prevailing dead-end c3-technology! It consists in supporting people at their frontline in providing a know-how to deal with it without having to undergo the corresponding challenge in any personal way. This leave people's mind closed and deprived of the blessing of lifefulfillment which consists in keeping the above indicated flow of life going in an open-ended generative way in tune with the principles of lifefulfillment to prevent closed and thereby self-destructive systems


That is why lifefulfilling platforms are a MUST at this stage of history and the question arises where to begin the required L3-global redesign. For various reasons to be outlined, South Australia was chosen. The implies that L2-Timely Exchange of Project-Orientated Competence, TEPOC© has to begin with a GATEWAY that addresses the bottleneck of a core team of qualified individuals who are prepared to get L1-lovingly involved to that opening up of what otherwise seems to come to an end, meaningful human history


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